the talk

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itadori and y/n are dating, and they've been friends for a while but only started dating till around a few months ago.

"oh itadori! don't we have to study?" y/n said stopping in her tracks and facing him. "o-oh yeah.." he wasn't paying attention you knew he wasn't listening. he was thinking about something but you didn't know what, lolipops? popcorn? megumi? man idk. whatever he's thinking about y/n wanted to know.. she continued walking to her house, yuuji wasn't paying attention and didn't see her walking Infront of him. she sighed and walked back towards him and grabbed his arm and started walking back to her house with him. "are you ready?" she said unlocking the door "h-huh? for what?" he said getting nervous she was a mind reader😭 she laughed and smiled "for our studying dummy!" the h/c girl said pulling him into the room. "so make your self at home!" she said taking off her shoes. itadori went behind her and stood behind her. "man I want to touch her so bad. her skin.. looks so soft and her touch drives me insane. I want her so badly." he thought to him self. he snapped out of his thoughts by y/n standing in front of him looking up at him. " are you okay yuuji? you've been acting  weird ever since we started walking home?" " yeah I-im fine!" he said grabbing a random book from the book shelf and reading it trying to keep his mind off of those thoughts.. he went and sat on the edge of your bed holding the book Infront of his face. you rolled your eyes playfully as you walked over to him and grabbed the books out of his hand and tackling him. " hey! I was read- tackle,-ing that.. ow." he said rubbing his head. " oh c'mon the bed isn't even that hard!" she said laughing. he looked down to see her sitting on top of him. she seemed so clue less and he didn't know what to do. "hey yuuji what's poking me.." the e/c girl said eyes widening. "u-uhm nothing! nothing" he says as he sits up her still on his lap.

is someone excited?

sub yuuji x dom fem! listener NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now