subby boy

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"n-no stop embarrassing me y/n.." he said frowing and grabbing something to covering his friend down there with a pillow from your bed. " please move y/n.." he said slowly grinding his hips upwards from instinct " you sound so cute saying please, say it again." she said laying him back down and slowly moving her hands around him and lifting up his shirt, feeling his abs. "p-please y/n.. your distracting me." he said with a slight whine. "are you okay with this?" she said rubbing his face with her other hand. "yes." he said shaking his head yes.

y/ns POV:

I lean down making out with him. his lips were so soft, I feel him starting to grind upwards on me. I moan softly from the friction, my lips let go of his. I slowly go down kissing his body till I get to his V-line.  he whines softly and god are his whines so hot. he moves his cock towards my face wanting me  to stop waiting. I look up at him and slide down his pants then his boxers. my eyes widened at his size. "stop starring please..." he told me. I see a light blush on his face. "don't worry love I'll make sure you cum more than once." I take his size into my mouth and I use my hands as well, I hear him panting and whimpering loudly. "a-agh~ faster..please, m-mommy~" I heard him say, I stoped and looked at him "what'd you call me?" "I c-called you mommy.. please start sucking me off again please." I hear his whiney voice say. I go back to sucking him off his sweet moans going into my ears. I pick up my pace alot and he starts moaning uncontrollably "u-uhg~ fuck mommy please, faster harder~" " oh fuck~ I'm c-cumming agh~ FUCK~" he says. I stay put and let his thick semen flow into my mouth. I wipe my mouth and look up wiping my mouth "you taste so good" his only response was loud whining and moaning. he catches  his breath and sits up. I feel him taking off my clothes "bold aren't we?" I say kissing his forehead as he takes off my bra and underwear. "y-your so wet please let me eat you" he said looking up at me. his eyes were full of lust "ah-ah-ah not so fast baby, let me pleasure you." I hear him sigh as I slip him into me and start pounding ruthlessly his loud moans covering up the room. I lean down and start kissing his ears and moaning in his ear. he whines in response and he keeps getting louder and louder " A-AGH MOMMY~ FUCK ME HARDER PLEASE OH PLEASE MASTER~" I hear him say. " y-your just making me wanna fu- agh~ fuck you harder baby~" I say into his ear moaning and praising him. " your doing such a good job~"

yuuji pov:

I couldn't hold back anymore, her moans and praising make me feel weak. "g-good boy ah~ your so good and so big agh~" she said moaning in my ear. she's driving me insane, my eyes are rolling into the back of my head I'm a panting mess, my back keeps arching in neediness I needed more of her. "yeah y-yeah ride me ah~ ride me mistress please~" I couldn't contain my self around her she's so heavenly. she's so tight I couldn't help it. "I'm gonna cum so fucking hard agh~ I'm gonna cum oh mommy faster~" I say as she speeds up  "cum for me daddy~ cum~" hearing her call me that made me cum on the spot. " C-CUMMING AHH~" I scream panting loudly " oh I'm cumming! ~" she said as she came on my cock biting my shoulder and scratching my arms.


I sit up and grab a towel and I turn around and see yuuji trying to get up. "do you need help?" I asked "y-yes ma'am." he said putting his arms out like a child. I smiled in awe and cleaned up the mess. I sat him down on my couch and walked to the bathroom and started up a bath for him. after I few minutes I came back out and picked him up. "your so pretty y/n." he said kissing my face, "aw your handsome/pretty as well baby" I said kissing him back. I sit him in the bath and go grab towels and clothes. I set them on the counter and get in with him, I grab the shampoo and rinsed his hair with water then rubbed the shampoo in my hands running it in his hair, he lets out soft groans and sighs from relaxing. he slowly leans his back onto me and now his head is on my shoulder, his head is leaning back and I rinsed his hair out. ~after~

you guys got out and sat on the bed with snacks and drinks watching a movie, you guys were all snuggled up and fell asleep peacefully:)<333

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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