Chapter 2

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~2 weeks later~

Thasnim. What a beautiful name, he thought. The name of the woman who had captured his attention that day in the flower shop. Benjamin hadn't been able to get his mind off of her, so radiant, carefree (adrien). Her melodic laugh echoed in his head, the most angelic sound he had ever heard. Never had he met someone like her. But he would never see her again, he knows nothing but her first name.


"Lavender or lilac?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he looked back at Charlotte, plastering a smile on his face, before nodding at her. She held up 2 pieces of fabric, that were practically identical, apart from the lighter undertone of one.

"Both of them look great." He replied, sending a small smile her way. She rolled her eyes at him before choosing herself,

"Lilac it is." She placed the fabric in a binder full of plans for the wedding. The wedding of the century. The Zhangs and the Lees. A business plan put into place before he was even able to talk.

He watched intently as Charlotte smiled to herself, as she wrote down some information regarding the napkin samples. She really wanted this. He didn't feel the same. Never had. She was beautiful, successful and came from an affluent family but they weren't right for each other. Deep down they both knew that.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she spoke in a soft voice, smiling up at him.

"Like what?" he raised his eyebrows.

"All sympathetic." she gestured towards his facial expression, arching her eyebrow.

"...I'm not. Um, I'm gonna head out and go get some coffee." He replied before standing up abruptly, grabbing his jacket and exiting.

"Ok by-" The front door closed.

Leaving the residence, Benjamin shrugged his jacket on, walking towards the nearest coffee shop, wanting to get away from all the wedding drama. The day was inching closer, and the only thing on his mind was a woman, who despite having only met once, changed his whole perspective on his life. A woman he would never see again.

The cafe bell chimed as he walked through the door, and towards the counter, and a heavenly aroma of fresbly baked goods and coffee filled his nostrils. He savoured the smell, so homely.


A body hit his chest, and a scorching liquid covered his previously crisp white dress shirt. Taken aback, he took a few steps back looking down to see who the coffee belonged to. Only to be met with a familiar set of eyes. Thasnim? Surely not.

"I think your coffee is on my shirt." He joked, looking back at the distressed woman in front of him.

"I am so so sorry-oh my gosh you're shirt is ruined-" she apologised profusely, and began trying to clean his shirt with napkins. Evidently, making it much worse.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's just a shirt. "

Looking up at him finally, recognition flashed in her eyes. "Benjamin?" A wide smile broke out on her face, before looking back at the shirt and cringed in embarrassment.
"Of course, I finally see you again and spill my coffee all over you. Great job, Thasnim." she facepalmed. He chuckled at her before replying,

"I wasn't exactly expecting our second meeting to go like this either." She awkwardly laughed, avoiding eye contact.

"Can I buy you a coffee to make up for spilling mine on you?" she smiled, pointing at the counter behind her.

"You really don't have t-" He refused politely, shaking his head.

"Please. I feel horrible." she interrupted, putting her hands together. Torn, he reluctantly agreed,

"Okay." Benjamin said before smiling back at her, eyes shining. They walked over to the counter and Thasnim ordered,

"Latte with a hint of cinnamon, 1 spoon of chocolate syrup and my secret ingredient." She winked. She must be a regular here, he thought. Noted. "And the gentleman will have a..." she scanned him up and down before finishing, "Cappuccino." she looked over at him, wondering if her guess was right. Ben looked at her in surprise, that was his go to order always.

"How did you know?" He chuckled, before looking down and then met her eyes once again.

"Lucky guess." she smirked, winking playfully at him, before paying the cashier and strolling over to a small mahogany table, with two comfortable-looking chairs, by the window. He followed in suit, intrigued by this woman who had invaded his thoughts.

"So tell me about yourself, Benjamin." She sat with her hands under her chin, biting her lip nervously and eyes lit up with curiosity. She gestured for him to sit opposite him, he obliged.

"You first, beautiful." He winked at her, a crimson shade appeared across her face, as she covered her face with her eyes.

"Ok where do I start...?"

Authors Note:

Joke continued.

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