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Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe it's been so long since I stopped writing. i feel super bad. I actually starting writing a new story on webook, and I got carried away. Anywho! Please forgive pitiful ol me ;3


The park was nearly dark by the time I dragged Jack out of it. He spent the entire time analyzing and competing with the werecrocs, and he actually expected to win! I was staring at the moon in contemplation when the jeep came to a stop at my house. "How are we gonna get you in?" I asked Jack with an incredulous glance. Paul was free to come an go, and we'd probably spend the night in the basement talking with Jack anyways.

"I'll just meet you guys in your room." He gave me a subtle wink and exited the jeep. Two seconds later, he was out of sight.

With a shaking hand, I fumbled to open the car door. Paul waited patiently for me to get my crap together and exit the vehicle before we headed inside. "Mom! I'm back!" I shouted lightly. Paul went ahead downstairs to set everything up, and I went to find my mother in the kitchen. "Mom?"

"Yeah, hun. Is Paul downstairs?" She inquired, and when I nodded, she continued. "We need to talk."

"I know, Momma. About what happened today, I didn't mean to ru-" I tried to explain, but she interrupted me.

"Who was the boy you were with? And why have I never met him?"

"That's J-..." She looked at me expectantly as I tried to cover my slip-up. How convenient to have a pet wolf named Jack missing all day while I was out with a mysterious new friend named Jack. "Jake. That's Jake." I finished lamely.

Mom smiled and shook her head in amusement. "I know it's Jack, sweety. You don't have to pretend to hide it from me. I know about your father. How could he possibly hide that from somebody as quick and clever as me?" She winked at me as my jaw dropped in surprise.

"So you know everything?" She nodded simply. "So you can answer my questions?"

"I can certainly try." At this point, I knew that Jack would be listening in, and she must have too, because she called his name in a soft, almost whispered voice. Seconds later, he was standing by my side. "You may as well ask whatever you'd like, as well."

"Dad was a werewolf?" I started eagerly. This could really be my ticket to avoiding late-night worry sessions.

"Yes. Next."

"Were you involved with the pack?"

"Not actively. I knew the people, spoke with some and made friends with other. Not being a were made it hard to fit in, but I held my own."

"Why isn't Trish the one with the wolf gene?" After this question, my mother actually looked a little ashamed.

"Well, she's adopted. We tried for a child for over two years, and I was impatient. But we haven't told her, because it doesn't change a thing. She's my daughter, blood or not."

"Oh. Well... Is there anything else I should know? Was Grandma a Fae or Grandpa a leprechaun? Lemme guess, Great Aunt Ida is a witch, huh?" My tone was light and teasing, but Mom stiffened noticeably. "Oh, no. Oh, no no no. What? What now?!"

"Your Great Aunt Ida was actually a witch." ... Wow. That was unexpected. "She married a human, so the blood line was diluted, and we only gained skills based to a specific element. Mine was wildlife and nature. That's how I met your father."

My mother was part witch. I was her first born with her werewolf husband... "W-what does that make me?" My eyes were wide, and I could practically smell the anxiety rolling off of me in waves. Jack took a step closer to me and brushed his arm against mine. It was instant physical relaxation, but the turmoil still turned in my stomach.

"I don't know."


"I said, I don't know. This has never happened before. You haven't showed any signs of being magically inclined like you have with your werewolf abilities. It might develop around the time of your first shift."

I gazed at my mother inpure shock. "Mom?"


"Why were you so persistent about me eating meat?"

Her smile was back and her chuckled warmed my heart. "The pack goes on hunts together in wolf form. You all eat what you catch, so I thought your diet was always a little ironic and worrisome."

I nodded with a smirk on my face. Ironic. A vegetarian werewolf. "Well, we're going downstairs with Paul to talk. I'll see you in the morning." Jack and I turned to head downstairs, and I heard my mother yell behind me, "Keep it PG-13, kids!"

My face blushed beet red and I growled under my breath. Jack chuckled and wrapped an arm around me shoulders, pulling me to his side. I was a were-witch, and I had absolutely no idea what it meant. 


Okay, it's stupid short, I know. I have no idea where my notes went for the plot of the book, so I'm trying to go off of memory. From a year ago. Yeah, no. xD

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