Gina: What?
Mrs. Kelb: You are going to die tonight.
Mrs. Kelb: Did Ana whisper Klamsa at that?Gina: No.
Mrs. Kelb: Because now I'm telling the truth.
Mrs. Kelb: You are both infected. You are both going to die.Gina: Where is my Aunt Kate?
Mrs. Kelb: She can't help you. And she was never honest with you.
Mrs. Kelb: She's lied to you about everything.
Mrs. Kelb: Everything that happened in Poland.
Mrs. Kelb: You want to know what happened to your parents?Gina: They got this disease and died of it?
Mrs. Kelb: Not exactly.
Gina: That's what Kate told me.
Mrs. Kelb: Of course, she did. And that was a lie.
Gina: So what happened?
Mrs. Kelb: Remember Kate didn't even tell you they were dead right away?
Mrs. Kelb: It took her a week to give you that.Gina: She was trying to protect me.
Gina: And she was pretty broken up herself.Mrs. Kelb: That means you can't trust her.
Mrs. Kelb: But, my dear, you can trust me.
Gina: How did they die?
Mrs. Kelb: They were exposed to the disease in an infected village.
Mrs. Kelb: Then they sealed it off and killed everyone inside, including themselves.
Mrs. Kelb: They torched the place down to the ashes.Gina: Why?
Mrs. Kelb: They were brave and selfless. Doesn't that sound like them?
Gina: I don't know.
Mrs. Kelb: Always running towards trouble, disease.
Mrs. Kelb: Of course, they'd sacrifice themselves.
Mrs. Kelb: It's who they are. Who you are.
Mrs. Kelb: They saved millions of lives.
Mrs. Kelb: That's what we need from you right now.
Mrs. Kelb: There are sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet.
Mrs. Kelb: You can go peacefully. You and Ana.
Gina: I don't believe you.
Mrs. Kelb: I'm sure you've looked it up. The disease.
Mrs. Kelb: It wasn't something we could contain.
Mrs. Kelb: It didn't behave like an ordinary disease.
Gina: Maybe I'm not infected.
Mrs. Kelb: It's not a risk we can take.
Mrs. Kelb: Like I said before—you are going to die today.
Mrs. Kelb: It's not that bad to take sleeping pills.
Mrs. Kelb: Take the whole bottle.
Mrs. Kelb: You'll get very tired. And that'll be the end of it.
Gina: You're killing your own daughter, too?
Mrs. Kelb: Do you understand the alternative?
Mrs. Kelb: Cities – entire nations – destroyed.
Mrs. Kelb: Casualties in the millions. Or billions.
Mrs. Kelb: And we wouldn't even be saving you and Ana.
Mrs. Kelb: All we'd be doing for you would be condemning you both to a horrible death.
Mrs. Kelb: The disease destroys your lungs, rots out your skin.
Mrs. Kelb: But you stay lucid and alive to feel it the whole time.
Mrs. Kelb: If we tried to save you, we'd be giving you that.
Mrs. Kelb: Instead of a peaceful overdose.
Mrs. Kelb: And if you do it yourself, you'll be a hero.
Mrs. Kelb: A hero, like your parents.Gina: I don't believe you.
Gina: I think you killed my parents.Mrs. Kelb: No, we begged them not to do it.
Mrs. Kelb: Your Aunt Kate and my husband and me.
Mrs. Kelb: We begged them to reconsider.
Mrs. Kelb: But your parents were stronger than we were.
Mrs. Kelb: And now I understand them. I understand why they did what they did.
Mrs. Kelb: You can't trade the tiny chance that a friend, a niece, or even a daughter will survive.
Mrs. Kelb: Not if the alternative is a pandemic—that would kill millions.
Horror text messages
HorrorHorror in the format of a text message conversation between people *** Updated every week *** Sweet dreams 🌈