1. Introduction

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I'm Park Jin Aah; right now a drop out student. I completed my high school with flying colors.
Right now I've so many things to take care of but from them being an actress is my ultimate dream although it doesn't suit my personality still I'm ready to go through any hardships to become an actress.
Despite of being introvert, having no communication skills, zero confidence, zero personality I dreamt of it. I'm a fool right?
But this is my only dream that I want to fulfill no matter what.
I never recieved even a single moment, attention, care from my parents.
I was very good at studying unlike my brother therefore there's no need to pay attention how I'm studying or doing. I was quite sharp therefore my parents didn't bother to look at me...
Instead they were too busy pampering by younger brother who is slow witted with not so sharp and intelligent mind.
I'm not jealous :) but still at some point I felt absence of my parents, absence of there love and warmth.
I used to say myself everyday :
It's ok you can do it.
You are the best.
It's ok I'm with you.
It's ok they will understand.
No matter how hard the days are; how bitter my feelings are; how much in pain I'm. I never bothered my parents to come see me, support me, help me...
Because of my excellence performance in academic my parents wished me to get into a medical college. He hoped me to fulfill his dream and become a doctor and later guide my brother to do the same.


My father Mr. Min park.
He is one of the most possessive, caring and loyal husband.
Lovable dad. Short tempered man with extreme pride. My most favourite person whom I respect and love a lot but at the same time I'm afraid of him.
For my father his pride is most important; he can cut off any family or blood relation if you hurt his pride.
I never spoke in loud voice to my dad, never argued with him.
I get scared at just one glimpse of him.
That's the reason why I never told him to bring me this toy when I was 5; to bring me this food when I was 10; to get me this story book when i was 14.
Even though I'm having hard time in studying, I couldn't understand or have doubt about any topic, subject never asked for personal tutor, unlike my brother; I knew, i understood our family conditions, financial state.
How hard he works day and night to earn money.
Therefore without resenting him fir the things which I needed but didn't got; I happily accepted saying to myself it's ok that was not meant to be yours. Therefore when he wished me to get in medical college although I didn't had any interest still i accepted it saying this is best for me.
Will my father ever try to understand me ?
Will he believe me ?
Will I be able to open up to him to say what i need ?
My father don't believe me I'm good for nothing that's what he thought.
U couldn't able to get into medical college and right now it's been 3 years already I'm still a drop out student preparing for medical entrance examination.


My mother Mrs. Shin aah park.
Total narcissistic, a self centered woman who is suffering from germaphobe (obsessed with hygiene).
Although my mother is a house wife still she is unable to give me her time because of her phobia. She spent her most of the time in cleaning every corner of the house 100s of 1000s times. The rest of the time is dedicated to her melodramas which she enjoy watching the most. That's why, even though I see mom 24 hrs everyday still I couldn't reach her to say what my heart need.


My sibling; Ryan park; my younger brother; one and only family member who understands me the most; with whom I share all my feelings.
But sometimes I get scared because of his egoistic nature.
He can backstab anytime if I couldn't able to fulfill his needs.
Obsessed with anime and web toons another reason why we suddenly going apart slowly and gradually.

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