When you we're young.You often tried sneaking out and managed to but failed,you found the cookies too fascinating to not be recognized but eventually you would be caught and locked in your room for hours.
Today your an adult but you mom is still here.She still doesn't allow you to go out.You looked a little like her but of course very different.you had e/c eyes and no horns.YET. your hair was h/c and your cookie was s/c(skin color),You wore a small f/c cape along with a long black f/c dress.
You knew your mother wasn't always a bad person so you couldn't blame her,She let you go for a walk today in the forest,telling you to be careful of a lilac scent
Here you are,walking in the forest.Alot of cookies knew who you we're and you ofc we're not sure if they wanted to hurt you or avoid you.
You we're just sitting somewhere in your personal space sitting criss cross on the ground,holding a flower.You couldn't help get sadder,it reminded you of how your mom used to be.
You we're snapped out of your thoughts when you smelled something strange,You'v never smelled anything so nice before.
You got up and began running towards the scent.
You we're excited and scared at the same time,finding and seeing something new.
You stopped running and began walking since you we're pretty near.The scent was all around you now.You began looking around to see where it was coming from until you looked up on your left
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Their was a dark cookie,purple as ever,wearing some clothing you'v never seen before.He smelled like lilac,the smell you'v been following the whole time.
You we're snapped out of you thoughts and covered your mouth,a huge blush on your face,realizing you made eye contacting,looking down and you quickly ran away
As you ran passed him his eyes we're fixed on you.
You ran so far until he was out of your sight.You sat on a log.You we're even more flustered to notice he wasn't wearing a shirt.You literally couldn't get him your head now due to the lilac scent and your stupid curious nature and eyes.
It wasn't long until you felt a presence beside you.
it was that same cookie you saw earlier,looking at you with this expression on his face,And not the mention he was awfully close too.
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You we're nervous and confused because he was starring at you quite hard and two he wasn't in the outfit he was in when you first saw him so it made you nervous to also see he had chakrams.
They we're very sharp too....
You we're pretty sure he could tell you we're a daughter of evil
"U-Uh w-why are you-"
You kept your mouth shut.
"Why am I here? I cannot tell you."
You got nervous,his hard starring was too much
You stood up and he looked up at you "I-I t-think i gotta go s-sorry"You ran off,but unknowingly for you,you won't be going home anytime soon.Because as you we're running you ran into that same cookie,he catched you before you fell back."T-Too close"You thought in your mind,your hands we're on his chest and he was,carrying by your waist,off the ground,geez your legs were almost around his waist.
"Your footsteps revealed you."
You were more than worried now and tried to struggle.
"shh..."He gently laid you on the ground
"No one escapes me.Not even you..."
You weren't really mad just scared and nervous,you don't know this cookies or others besides licorice and pom.
You scooted back into a damn tree.Great job y/n you failed but it's most likely would have not escape anyway if you tried running again.
You gulped "W-Who are you?"You say,shivering our of fear as he hovered over you
"Who I am is not important."He knelt down and sat next to you,looking straight at you the same way again.
You couldn't admit he smelled kinda nice.
You wanted to ask his name but like he said it was none of your concerned.
You both say their until he said
"Hm, you wish to play a dangerous game..."You tensed up,he gave you a smile it was small but it did make you shiver
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You blushed hardly,You barely know this cookie so why would he suggest something like THAT!?
His face soon reverted back to normal "Sorry..."he says and a blush spread wide on your face "I-It's okay."You say looking away.
Their was an awkward silence for a while.Then you realized you had to be at home.
"I-I'm sorry i must go"You ran off before he could say anything...