Jakes pov
I heard a bang come from the landing where Lillie was. I opened my door and she was just lying there on the floor.
I started to panic when my mum ran up the stairs to see what the bang was.
"Whats happened?!" mum questioned me. I told her all i knew as she put Lillie in the recovery position and told me to ring an ambulance.I rang the ambulance and grabbed a blanket and put it on Lillie my mum was checking her over as shes qualified in first aid;thats when she saw blood seeking through her jacket. She quickly pulled up Lillies sleeves to reveal the cuts all down her arms, she told me to get the first aid kit so i did. Mum cleaned them and wrapped them up in bandages. I got Lillies phone out of her jacket pocket to tell her best friend Ella whats happened; when i pulled it out out came 2 packets of 30 paracetamo tablets, when mum picked them up.
Mum looked at me in horror.
---------------------------------------------------------sorry its such a short chapter, got a blind spot in my eye and its hard to type going hospital to the eye clinic tomorrow, so hopefully get it sorted! hope you liked it. Its depressing i know but thought id leave you guys wondering so i left it on a cliff hanger. Love you all! Lottie xx