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On April 23,2002 I was kindly greeted into the world by my dad my mom and a kind nurse.being a little child was easy but by the time I got older things seemed to get harder and more confusing,in fact by the time I was six my whole life turned upside down.
I was sitting at home with my brother and our baby sitter all was calm until my mom and dad walked in the door good byes were tossed around between the baby sitter and them and by the time she left it was 7:30 "it's time for bed kiddos."my dad said "but we have to tell you something first..." He seamed unsure of his choice of words " go sit on the couch kids I'll tell you." My mom interrupted "we went to the hospital for a c.a.t scan and the news isn't great." She paused in shock "it turns out" she continued "I have cancer" my dad started to cry then my brother being six I had no clue what was happening so I went along gave my mom a hug started crying and went to bed.

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