The Frat House

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Dean Winchester was a royal pain in your ass. His smart mouth and sassy one liners made you want to punch his pretty face in. Most of the time, you could avoid him, ignore him and just hang out with Sam who was much more chill and cool. You were thankful you only ever had to see the oldest Winchester once in a while when his father didn't need him on a hunt.

Sadly, tonight wasn't one of those nights. Your father and John had gone off on a hunt with some other hunters, it was going to be a day or two and sadly, Dean hadn't tagged along with them, John and your father insisted he stay behind and keep you and Sam out of trouble. Little did they realize most of the time, Dean ended up being bigger trouble than either of you two.

You heard the light knock on your bedroom door, you'd opted to stay in your room for most of the night, hoping they'd think you were on your period and leave you alone. You felt bad not hanging out with Sam, but you really didn't want to be annoyed by Dean. That boy could give you a brutal migraine in less than 10 minutes.

You got up from your bed, abandoning your latest journal entry before opening the door. There stood Dean, a half smirk on his pretty face dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans.

"Ugh, what do you want, Winchester?" you rolled your eyes, making your way back over to your bed.

"You should be nicer, y/n. Boys would like you better if you didn't have such a bad attitude." He speaks, making you gag.

"Ah, yes, my mission in life, to please all the boys." You mock him, rolling your eyes yet again before prying as to what the hell he wanted from you.

"So? To what reason do I owe your presence?" you sass him and he smirks again.

"Sammy and I are going to go have some fun, taking the kid to his first college party, you in?" He winks, your eyes wide as you squint at him.

"Sam and I are 16, there's no way we can get in to a college party." You shrug, shaking your head at his idiotic idea. He clicks his tongue and laughs.

"Who's going to know? Sam will probably go unnoticed, and you can put on something skimpy, do your makeup and you pass for 18 tops, ain't no one going to question you." He eyes you up and down and you punch his arm.

"Owww, what the hell!" He shouts, rubbing his arm. "That's for being a pervert, and no, I'm not going to whore myself out just to go to some college party with you, besides, our dads told us to stay put, I ain't about to break the rules, your dad will kill you if he finds out." You raise an eyebrow, making your way over to your bed.

"He won't if he doesn't know about it, we'll be back way before they will, and I never said whore yourself out, though, I'm sure a night of fooling around with some guy would adjust that stick up your ass. We're going, come, stay, I don't care but you got 15 minutes to decide or we're leaving." He states, winking at you before shutting the door behind him.

You hated Dean Winchester. Well, maybe hate was a strong word, you really heavily disliked him. He was a constant pain in your ass, a headache that seemed to never go away. However, you wondered if maybe he was right. You had only ever had sex with your ex, and that had ended last year, you could use a night out, and a hot college guy could possibly just be what you needed and just like Dean said, no one would know you weren't 18.

You sighed, not believing the idiot outside had actually convinced you this was a good idea. Taking his advice, you got dressed in your "sexiest" dress, a simple black one that always enhanced your curves and paired it with your favorite red pumps, you put some effort into your makeup, a dark Smokey eye and a bold red lip, your winged liner perfected after years of practice. Dean was right, at this rate, no one would question your age.

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