Chapter 1 The truth comes out

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"Should I read the letter" Rebecca questions herself?

"What letter" Adam asks as he walk in the room?

"I found it on my desk when I got home today" Rebecca replies.

"Do you think it's a collage letter" Adam questions?

"No, it wasn't mailed. It is blank on the outside." Rebecca replies.

"Does my little sister have a secret admirer" Adam teases!

"Not funny, beside we both know no one cares enough about me to write a letter to me" Rebecca shoots back really fast!

"Calm down, I was just joking-"

"That's not true' Elijah cuts him off.

"Read it and you'll know" Adam says.

"What if it's the opposite" Rebecca questions?

"Then I will hunt down whoever wrote it and beat them down" Elijah states. 

Rebecca opens the letter and reads it out loud.
" If you're reading this, it is your eighteenth birthday. I know you won't want to accept this but your adopted. Your parents took you in since your mother died when you were born and I couldn't take care of you. I am your real father, you know me as Lucifer but that is my human name, my angelic name is Samael. I promise I'm not-" she stops. "This isn't funny, wich one of you wrote this" she asks.

"Neither we have been together all day" Adam replies.

"What does it say" Elijah asks

"It's hilarious, of all people I never thought you would do this. Not only do you think I'm adopted but you think I'm the devil's kid" Rebecca says about to cry.

"Please don't cry, I promise you neither of us wrote that" Adam says softly.

Rebecca continues to read the letter aloud. "I promise I'm not as evil as they say I am, my father caged me for getting your mom pregnant. You can open the door to my cage because your stronger than God, actually you're the strongest entity." She stops as tears run down her face. "Do you think this is funny" Rebecca asks?

"Stop reading it" Elijah says.

"No, I want to know what else the two of you wrote on this paper" Rebecca replies.

"What paper" Amara asks?

"It's nothing mother" Rebecca says.

"Read it to me and your father then" Amara says.

"I think that is a lovely idea" Jack say. 

With no other options Rebecca reads the paper to them.
"Yes, your stronger than me and your mom and God aka my father. My father would have caged you and your mom with me, but your magic protected you and your mother. Your magic couldn't protect me since you weren't at full strength. Yes, you're at full strength now. You're so strong because only two things were stronger than me, my father and your mother. I am the strongest of my siblings, who will now hunt you because you now have full access to your power. I was the strongest archangel, and your mom was the only tribrid (vampire, werewolf, demon) but since she was originally a witch you are an a Pentabrid (vampire, werewolf, witch, demon, archangel). Your real mom's name is Artemis, she was beautiful just like you. She had long brown hair and brown eyes just like you. Even in her wolf form she was beautiful, she had a white coat and blue eyes. Yes, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want. You can cast spells and you are really strong and fast now. No, you don't have to drink blood. Yes, you can live forever. You and I are special we have our own realms. Created when we were. Your realm is known as The Dark World, my realm is known as Hell. The cage my father put me in is in Hell. I wrote this letter before you were born and teleported it to your eighteenth birthday. I can see the future that is how I know all of your future questions. Your real name is Jazabel, you will need this information to get into my realm and yours, you also need the necklaces on your desk. Don't worry about the werewolves or demons, they will bow to their queen. Please free me. Love Samael." Rebecca has tears pouring from her eyes at this point. 

"Is that what you think of me" Rebecca asks?

"I think she deserves to know the truth" Amara says to Jack.

"You were dropped off at our front door when you were a baby, when we walked outside and saw you all alone, so we took you in" Jack says sadly. Rebecca stands there in shock, people have told her she was adopted before but she thought it wasn't true. The lights explode all around her, but the sun was shining through the window, so it didn't get completely dark. Rebecca starts to breath heavy, and tears run down her face faster, she runs her fingers through the hair on top of her head.

"It's ok little sister, we still love you" Adam says.

"Yeah" Elijah agrees with Adam. They both hug you.

"No, you're not welcome here anymore. Get out of our house, you're a monster" Amara says with no emotion.

"Mother please, you can't believe this stupid letter. Don't you think I would know if I had powers" Rebecca asks?

"You just exploded our lights. Rebecca, you need help" Jack says.

"That is enough" Elijah says aggressively as he wraps his arm around you shoulder.

"We will be out in an hour" Elijah states coldly as he walks you out with his arm still around your shoulders. 

"How can you do this to her, she's still your daughter? She is the same girl she was yesterday, this letter changes nothing" Adam say.

"It changes everything, now we know who she really is" Jack says.

"If you remain in contact with her, you have to leave as well, but I really hope you don't" Amara says.

"Then I will be out in an hour too" Adam say.

"Fine, you and Elijah can pack Rebecca's bags, but she isn't welcome in our house, so she needs to leave now" Amara states. Rebecca hears what he said and leaves.

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