Nether Problems Part 2

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In the Nether
"You have failed to keep control and you gave away your identity to the rangers!" yelled Herobrine fueled with anger, "Now we must destroy them before they break the spell.".
"What if we reawaken the Wither Zord?" Soul Sand asked trying to come up with a plan to not lose the Nether Ranger and their chance to destroy the rangers.
"Idiot, you know the Dragon destroyed it in the war." Nether Brick reminded him.
"Enough, We must have him pilot the Dark Megazord." Herobrine commanded, "prep the Megazord and you go and get the ranger's attention."
"Yes, Sir." Jonah said, "Minecraft Login, Minecraft Crimson Ranger."
At the Base
"So if Jonah is destined for some other ranger position, which one is it?" Gizzy asked as everyone is still in shock over the realization of Jonah working for Herobrine.
"Well it's not that simple, we would need the Book Of Guardians, but it was lost during the great battle due to a time spell. I would have to look at the records on what time I sent it." Notch explained.
"Well in the meantime, we have to be on constant alert for any activity," Elijah said.
Just then the alarms of the base rang and on the monitors was Jonah and a crap ton of Wither Warriors attacking civilians and stealing their fear.
"Go Rangers, hold them off as long as you can while I see if I can find the spell to either locate the book or reverse the possession of Jonah," Notch commanded them.
In the City
"Soon we will destroy the city and the rangers." Jonah proclaimed to his Wither Warriors.
"Not so fast Jonah," Elijah yelled at him gaining his attention.
"Well looks like we have some party crashers. Destroy them." Jonah commanded the warriors as he went and prepared to destroy the rangers with one blast of his Nether Cannon.
As Jonah prepared to finally defeat the Rangers, he was interrupted by the goodwill that his human side still had and started spazzing out.
"Jonah are you alright?" Jess asked concerned for his sake since she and the rangers knew that he was not in control.
"Thank you for feeling worried but Jonah is not here right now. Dark Zords rise." Jonah said as copies of the rangers' zords rose up from the depths of the nether.
"Dark Zords combine." Jonah cried as the dark zords formed into the Dark Megazord.
"Alright rangers, zord time," Elijah said to the team.
"Spawn Zords." They said in unison.
"Redstone Car," Elijah said.
"Diamond Rocket," Dan said.
"Iron Jet," Gizzy said.
"Gold Submarine," Jessica said.
"Stone Train," Ian said.
The Zords then combined into the Megazord and the two Megazords stood there staring each other down. Almost immediately as they had formed they started to fight but the Rangers could not get a hit on Jonah's Megazord as it was stronger and faster than the Rangers.
"Notch, please tell me you know how to break the spell over my brother," Elijah said into the comms to the base.
"Yes, the Megazord has a saber just like yours if you destroy it will break the spell since it's connected to his own Nether saber he uses in combat," Notch replied.
"Thanks, Notch, alright guys we only have one shot at this, so let's make it count," Elijah said encouraging the rangers to not give up.
"Minecraft Saber, Spawn." the rangers said in unison.
"Nether Saber, Spawn," Jonah said at the same time as the rangers so both Megazords brought forth their respective sabers.
The Megazords then went all out with the two sabers clashing together. Although Jonah's Megazord was faster than the ranger's they were still able to avoid the destructive slashes. But Jonah began spazzing again and the Rangers knew this was the real Jonah holding the Golem still for them.
"Minecraft Saber, Final Strike." Elijah cried out as he and the ranger moved the Megazord to swing the sword and destroy the Nether Saber. As the Nether Saber shattered into pieces the Nether Golem, who had forced Jonah to do some terrible things, had disappeared and all that was left is the Nether Gem in Jonah's hands. As quickly it had formed the Nether Megazord had vanished leaving Jonah and the Gem on the street directly below where the Megazord was standing.
"Hey, you okay kid?" Elijah said as he and the other rangers, all of who were still morphed, surrounded him.
"Kid? I'm 4 minutes older than you." Jonah replied still knowing the identity of the rangers.
"We should get him back to base before the media and local law enforcement show up and start questioning him," Dan said.
At the Base
"So what should we do with him Notch?" Gizzy asked.
"Well, we could mindwipe him," Jess said giving off suggestions.
"No, we can't," Notch said.
"Why not?" Ian asked knowing that everyone was probably thinking the same thing.
"Because of the Gem," Notch answered.
Everyone had a confused look on their faces trying to figure out what he meant by this.
"What do you mean because of the Gem?" Dan asked.
"See when a person finds out your identity without a Gem, we're able to erase any knowledge of your ranger identity, but when the person is bonded to a Gem then we can't as it is permanently embedded into their brain. So I'm sorry I can't do anything unless..." Notch said ending with a plan in mind.
"Unless what?" Jess questioned.
"Elijah you said you and your brother both watched Power Rangers as children right?" Notch asked with an excited look on his face.
"Yes, but what has that got to do with the situation at hand?" Elijah answered with a confused look on his face.
"We have Jonah help out around here at the base." Notch finished.
"Let's ask him what he thinks," Elijah said. "Jonah, do you want to help out at the base?"
"Well I could help build a training room or I could help with making new weapons," Jonah said looking around the base and imagining all of the things he could do to help out the rangers.

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