Ch. 13 Codominance: Part One

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EVEN LUCY SEEMED ANXIOUS AS PIPER AND THE CAT SAT ON AYLA'S BATHROOM FLOOR TOGETHER. He was pacing around, meowing loudly at the tub and scratching at it.

"She's fine, buddy," Piper tried to assure him, as she anxiously tapped her foot against the cold floor tiles. "I hope she's fine."

She glanced at the timer, seeing that it had been four minutes now. She kept the timer open as she began Googling how long someone could go without oxygen. Despite what her best friend had told her, Google argued that someone could only go four to six minutes without oxygen before they started to get brain damage. She pulled her timer back up, seeing that it had now been five minutes. "Shit!" she exclaimed, dropping her phone onto the floor and standing up.

She reached into the tub, shaking Ayla's arm. That didn't seem to work, however. "Come on, Ayla!" she snapped as she began to try to pull the she-wolf out. Ice and water splashed onto the floor. "Screw all of your plans. I'm never trusting you again," Piper muttered as she struggled to pull the other girl out. "Come on! You're literally the smallest werewolf in existence. Why are so damn heavy?"

Finally, she managed to pull her friend out of the water, and immediately collapsed onto the tile floor with her. Both were now drenched, along with most of the bathroom floor. Piper sighed as she sat up, looking down at Ayla in concern. "I didn't hit your head during that, right?" she asked, unsure of how the other girl had landed. "Forget it, just breathe."

She shook the other girl, hoping that maybe she was still just in a vision. Unfortunately, the only thing to come from it was a bit of blood running from Ayla's nose. "Shit. Why are you bleeding? Stop bleeding," Piper told her. If she hadn't already sounded panicked, she was now. She pressed down on Ayla's chest with both hands as she tried to remember their CPR class in her panic. "Come on. You said you had done this before," Piper muttered as she continued.

She heard a knock at Ayla's bedroom door, just before it opened. "Girls, you guys okay?" Chase wondered as he stepped into the room.

Piper's eyes widened as she saw the man. This plan couldn't go worse. "We can explain this," she told him.

"What the hell?" Chase asked, rushing over to them.

"It was a bad plan. A very bad plan. But please just help me get her breathing again," Piper told him.

"Ayla? Ayla, sweetie?" Chase asked, as he checked her over. He began to trying CPR like Piper had, while the teenage girl just watched in concern. "Call 911!" he snapped at her.

Piper frowned. "I don't think she would want me to do that," she told him.

"I am telling you to do that! Call 911!" Chase snapped.

"Yeah, okay," Piper agreed, grabbing her phone. It had been seven minutes now. She called like Chase had asked, staring at her best friend in concern the whole time.

After what felt like an hour to both her and Chase- but was more like a few seconds- Ayla coughed. Both sighed in relief, and Chase helped turn her onto her side. Ayla coughed water onto her bathroom floor, blinking a few times. Her lungs ached, and her head was pounding. She barely even noticed that it was her father next to her.

Piper completely abandoned her phone, crawling over to the other girl. Hearing the 911 operator on the line, Chase picked it up and began talking to them, letting Piper take the she-wolf. She pulled Ayla's hair back, before patting her on the back as the she-wolf coughed more water onto the floor. "You're okay. You're okay," Piper muttered, both to try to assure herself and Ayla.

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