Chapter 18

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current war:Britannia-Atlas war

year:2018 Atb

Month:7 of April


atlas:defend Italy at all cost and eliminated the enemy invasion force

Britannia:secure a Beachead and invade Italy

Forces:Equally Matched

we zoom on the top of Italian hills thousand of Panzer Hummels Panthers and Leopards were bombarding the enemy forces and causing massive damaged

in the skies Britannia newest Vincent wards and Commanders were being engaged by Bushido aerial frames and the new Atlas Windams along with Dragon units including the new Endirburgs were bombarding the enemy on both the ground and in the air

while the Jericho and its Calpatria class Escorts were fireing on the enemy ships sinking many of the enemy destroyers

and battle carriers

Atlas Commander:i say this is our victory to us then

Atlas:sir unknown aicraft inbound

Atlas Commander:what

as they look too see the Lancelot Conquistador

being launched and landed seeing this new frame

they contacted the high command were sending the Norn Mk3.9 and Lancelot High Grail towards their side

Suzaku:all atlas forces surrender please i dont want to kill you all

Atlas Commander:never all units engage hold him back untill our reinforcements arrive

atlas forces:yes sir engage

as the atlas frames opened fire on the Lancelot there orders were to hold it back until their Allies frames

enter the battles

so far Suzaku was able to defeat or disable most of them despite that he would see two Frames Incoming towards him and he looked to see the Norn Mk 3.9 along with Lancelot High grail

but before he can speak towards them he heard this sound

Suzaku:what the hell was that

Blagoj:it was my newest Beam Rifle and now Suzaku you will see why Europe can never be invaded   lets go dear

Oldrin:right behind you love

as they were fighting Suzaku

their forces were gaining the advantage needed to strike at the enemy and were able to sink most of the enemy navy was sunked to the bottom of the ocean thanks to the atlas navy and air force along with

their hypersonic missiles also proved their destrictive power in taking out the enemy ships

Seeing this Schnizel ordered an immediate retreat

Suzaku:yes your Majesty

Schnzel:Kururugi withdraw we cant invade Europe fall back now

Blagoj:so its over well fought Suzaku

Suzaku:thanks listen if you ever fight again i want our Rematch also Oldrin why did you Join Blagoj team exactly

Oldrin:lets say he told us the truth of the Emperor Mad Plan

Suzaku:i see i must be going then we will meet again soon as hes Lancelot took off the rest of Britannia ships left the Meditaranning

ending the war in Europe for now


We zoom in the Base where  there is A huge celebration of their victory in Italy along with them is atlas team w-zero squad were also there the glinda knights and those Britannia s they rescued from their destroyed ships also

were eating the food they were given they also told them of Schnizel Mad Plan for Peace which made them more enraged for now they were Celebrating Blagoj Birthday and they congratulated him on his victory

his father was also there

Jonathan:good work to all of us now there is been a change of plan signs

Blagoj:dont tell me we got to go our seprate ways

Logan:so you mean we have to go into two teams

Jonathan:im afraid so but good news is your taking your Gundams with you and for the rest of you We will prepare the next Phase of the Plan i will brief you later but Logan and David you along with our experience artich soldiers are going to invade Greenland

Mica:sir why is Greenland so valuable that we have to invaded


Jonathan:Mary will you explain to the rest of us

Marrybell:sertanly as know you Sakuradite is a very valuable resource that the empire needs the largest being in Japan which is divided in half hoever 

Britannia  has another one located in Greenland even better with Greenland being turned into a base it can be used to attack Britannia Territories in Canada and East Coast

Jonathan:Thank you Logan and David are to Capture Greenland so our plan  can work for the future invasion of Britannia the three of you along with

the Glinda Knights will be heading towards China to meet with our forces which established hidden bases there your orders are to find and Eliminate the Geass order no survivors

Leila:and what about us

Jonathan:you will be participating in the invasion on Greenland so make sure you rest up your leaving in the morning

as they went back to eating they  celebrated their victory

and went to sleep the next morning

Both Groups saluted each other and went towards their airship being the Grandberry was upgraded with atlas weapons while Ades and his Jericho were to help the Atlas forces in invading Greenland  but they thought

this war will soon end

so begins the battle for Greenland

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