Weapon's and Abilities

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Shinigami/Hollow Unique Abilities:

Zanpakutō's Name: Zangetsu

Zanpakutō's Sealed Name: Kokugatsu

Release Phrase: "Stride forth to the gates of Heaven and use your might to tear the Heavens asunder. Charge forth to the gates of Hell and destroy the chains of the damned. Enter the doors of your Humanity and use your strength to shatter fate... ZANGETSU!"

Canon Techniques

Getsuga Tenshō [Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer]: Zangetsu, absorbing Ray's spiritual energy, releases highly condensed spiritual energy at the tip of the blade, which, magnifying the slash attack, flies forward. This slash takes the form of a crescent moon or the shape of a wave.

Getsuga Jūjishō [Moon Fang Cross-Shaped Piercer]: Fires two Getsuga Tenshō, one from each blade, in a cross-shaped blast of energy.

Original Techniques

Getsunai [Moonless] - Is a weaker version of Getsuga Tenshō. In requires less power and less time to perform.

Kōun'na Kiri Tsukeru [Lucky Slash]: When used, Zangetsu automatically breaks the next object it breaks. However, each time Ray hits a target while using this ability, the lower chances of him automatically breaking the object are.

Mugen Getsuga Tenshō [Infinite Moon Fang Heaven Piercer]: Ray launches what appears to be an extremely large 'normal' Getsuga Tenshō in the air. The 'normal' Getsuga Tenshō turned around and began shooting down many normal versions of the Getsuga Tenshō.

Mugen Getsuga Jūjishō [Infinite Moon Fang Cross-Shaped Piercer]: Ray launches what appears to be an extremely large 'normal' Getsuga Jūjishō in the air. The 'normal' Getsuga Jūjishō turned around and began shooting down many normal versions of the Getsuga Jūjishō.

Getsuga Tengeki [Moon Fang Heaven Strike] Ray charged his reiatsu into Zangetsu and then thrust Zangetsu straight forward. It releases a compressed linear beam attack. It lacks an attack area, but it makes it up by being able to pierce through targets with utmost accuracy and efficiency.


Name: Tensa Zangetsu

Appearance: Ray wields two black tonfas-like weapons. One part of the black tonfas covering Ray's fists; looked like knuckle guards. While a large black blade goes in line with Ray's forearm. Ray's outfit also changed. Ray now has black, bandage-like carapace forms around his torso, neck, and over the nose and mouth in mask fashion and the remains of a tattered black cloak cover his lower body.

Bankai Special Abilities: Tensa Zangetsu, much like its Shikai form, is used heavily for melee combat, but also possesses certain special Abilities. Tensa Zangetsu dramatically enhances his naturally great strength, speed, and power.


Release Phrase

Soy la furia que destruye el Cielo. [I am the fury that destroys Heaven.] Coráge la furia que destruyó los nueve círculos del infierno. [ I am the rage that destroyed the nine circles of Hell.] Yo soy el que se atreve a desafiar al destino. [I am the one who dares to challenge fate.] Resurrección Luna Nueva! [Resurrection of the New Moon!]

Appearance: Same as Canon but on Ray's back there are five sets of black angel wings (from Kokabiel).

Hollow Techniques

Bala (Crimson), Cero (Black with crimson outline), Gran Ray Cero (Black with royal blue outline).

Name Temp: Cero Type + Getsuga Type = Cero Type Getsuga Type. Example) Gran Ray Cero + Getsuga Jūjishō = Gran Ray Getsuga Jūjishō.

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