Chapter One~A new Case

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I walk into the building of the SSOTP. On the outside it looks like an insurance company. It is very modern. It is almost all glass. I walk in and it looks like an insurance lobby. I walk up to the front desk. A women in her mid-twenties stands there. Her dark brown hair in a bun. She wears a white blouse. She speaks in a low voice.

"Hello do you have an appointment?" She looks at me with a blank face. Her light blue eyes stand out on her tan skin.

"Yes with," I look at the paper I printed out with all the details. "With Mr.Gray for 3:00." She types quickly. Her glasses slightly reflects the screen. I make out the words. My name, Brittany Marie Carter and then Mr.Gray's name.

"Sorry but your name isn't on the list please come back another time." She hands me a business card. "Call that number to make a new appointment."

"No! My name was on the list. I saw the reflection on your glasses. Why are you..."

Mr.Gray cuts me off. "Your here. Please come with me." I follow him to his office. First we go up an elevator to the twentieth floor. Then we walk down a hallway through double doors. "Here we are. My office, please take a seat." He stands behind his desk. "So your name is Brittany?"

"Yes it is." I say not understanding the question. He looks at the application that I filled out for the job. He shifts his body toward the front of the desk.

"You have the basic training and you're very intelligent. So I see no reason to not hire you. Let me show you around." Just like that I had gotten the job. We then take the elevator down to floor sixteen. He guides me to an office space.

The office space is white. In one corner there is a desk and in the other two chairs. He hands me a file and then leaves me to explore.

I am about to open the file when my phone rings. I have to dig around my bag before I find it. It is Clair my roommate that lives with me in a condo. I answer the call and she starts to talk.

"Hey I'm going out to dinner at DeDe's Diner. Wanna meet me there to eat?" She drops something in the background. It sounds like keys but I'm not sure.

"Yeah I'm leaving the office now." I hang the phone up and put it in my bag with the file. As far as Clair knows I work with insurance and I was in training for the past couple weeks for my job.

I get in my blackberry mustang and realize that it is already five thirty. I drive quickly to the diner. When I get there I see Clair sitting at a table looking at the menu.

I walk in and sit down across from her in the booth. She looks up. "Hey. So I was thinking about getting a BLT. What are you in the mood for?" I look over the menu a little and see Baked Seafood Pasta.

"I'm going to have the baked seafood pasta. With a small ceaser salad. So how was your job at the coffee shop today?" I smile. She hated talking about her job. She rolls her eyes and looks outside.

"Look there is someone going down that back ally. Why would someone go down there?" She sayings her eyes trying to get a better look. I look to but don't see anything.

We finish eating and get in my car. I try to start the car but it won't start. "Great we have to walk back. I don't understand this is a new vehicle."

We start to head back home when I realize movement in the ally. As we get closer I regret more and more not getting a taxi. We were already half way home so it would make no sense to go back and get one.

Clair walks about three feet in front of me. She stops and puts her hands up. As part of my training for SSOTP I received a gun. I put my hand on it. Feeling the cold metal on my hand. I see out of the corner of my eye a man. I don't think he sees me so I back up against the wall. I feel the brick on my back. Cold and damp. The man speaks with cockyness.

"Well look what we got here. A little girl all alone. No friends, no one to scream for and then me. I might be alone but I got a gun. So hand over the purse." I see one hand holding the gun and the other out to accept the purse.

I pull my gun out. Clair has a shocked look on her face and before the man notices I turn from the corner and aim it at him. He drops his gun and puts his hands up. "Clair call the cops." The guy starts to run. I quickly run after him tackling him to the ground.

The cops arrive and take him. They thank me and drive off. Clair on the other hand has to many questions. I choose to ignore them. When we get to our door to the apartment it is open. I turn on the lights and a man in his early twenties stands there.

He has brown hair and piercing blue eyes. It take me a second but I realize it is Bryan. He was in my first of five training groups for SSOTP. Then he was located to a different compound to continue learning. I run and give him a big hug.

He was about half a foot taller than me. I smile but realize I need to think of a story quickly for Clair. She stands smiling but I can tell she is questioning who he is.

"Clair this is Bryan. We went to high school together. He was one of my best friends." Clair smiles and so does Bryan. They shake hands and then we all sit on the couch.

"Ok so why did you have a gun?" Clair asks. Bryan goes wide eyed.

"I gave it to her. When we were in school there were a lot of bad people. Since my dad hunted a lot he said I could give that one to Brit." I give Bryan a thank you smile. Clair believed the whole thing. I was grateful.

A little later Clair says good night and goes to bed. Bryan looks at my bag and sees the file folder. "New case?" He smiles. I took a small break from SSOTP but now I'm back.

"Yeah. The lady at the front desk was wierd though. She tried to send me away." I still remember her blue eyes and the reflection in her glasses. "I don't know why?" I pull out the file. On the top paper in the file it says, File X.

"This isn't good. Well that explains why she tried to send you away."

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed chapter one. It start out a little slow but trust me there will be all sorts of things happening to the characters. Also in the next couple chapters there will be some new characters. I'll try to make sure you can remember who is who by keeping the first page updated on the characters.

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