☁️⚡️manipulative Nightmare x Submissive Killer⚡️☁️

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You could say its bittersweet i guess?, but no they dont break up nor cheating just complications

It was a normal day at the castle, as killer was scrolling through undergram (Instagram) his phone, as outer message him on  BeneathApp (whatsapp). As killer checked he read that outer wanted to hangout with him. Currently Killer was dating Nightmare so it was an issue for him to ask permission, but before he could get up two arms wrapped around his shoulder, a unknown weight was on his skull, he realised it was Nightmare from the scent of apples. he heard him say

"Hello darling, what are you doing"

As Killer showed Nightmare his phone, nightmare readed it then said

"Sorry dear, im afraid you cant go"

Killer looked up as Nightmare looked down as killer questioned


Nightmare sighed and teleported under killer Killer was on his lap, he turned him around facing him and caressed his check while killer leaned in happily. nightmare rubbed his cheek as he smiled and said

"My dear, you just got your emotions, it might be too much for you to handle, while im not their to calm you down, sweetheart"

killer looked at him sadly and said

"But ive had my emotions for two months now, why cant i control them yet"

"I honestly have no Idea, babe"

He was wrong, he knew why and it was because of him. At paticular times of days, he would give killer a rush of emotions (by producing a large amount of negativity towards killer) to much for him to handle making him panic, he knew that nightmare would only calm him down. Since when his teamates tried, it got worse, untill either Nightmare would enter and step in or Killer would run to Nightmare. It would always end with them cuddling in the couch or Nightmares bed or desk chair, and nightmare telling him how he could only calm him down as killer nodded having no idea of nightmare manipulations.

Even though killer couldnt leave and hangout with outer, Cross being rubbed on by dreams kindness, would tell outer how killer was doing, and other things (except killers emotion overflow state) without killer and Nightmare knowing, which made outer calm and happy that killer is safe.

Anyways back to where i left off, killer feeling determined for his own emotions not to take him over leaving him in a vunerable state again, tried to persuade Nightmare but realizing what the outcome maybe, defenitly did not want to push him to the edge of his seat.

Killer than instead snuck out at night, it looked difficult at first since many guards were stationed close to killers room, did i forgot to mention his one is right next to Nightmare?, anyways it didnt look easy since Nightmare was known to be a lightsleeper at times, but eventually he escaped easily through a conveniantly placed decorative pot that killer could slip in easily when a guard was right around the corner. He went to errors room and forced him to take him to outertale also giving him a chocolate bar as well.

After that killer was with outer again, having a blast as he missed so much things from his au, that he got to see again, could probably be his last though?.

Nightmare knew killer left since he could easily feel his aura, since he got his emotions back, he wasnt pissed at killer, he was angry at the guards for not informing him of killers escape, It was abiut time he replace them soon.

Nightmare thought today would be the last day that his killer would step outside his castle without his permission, and sooner or later be more obediant and loyal to him.

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