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Chaos, everything was a chaos in the Wangsil-ui Palace.

No one dared to speak a word to the outsiders though, because it was all about

The Young Master.....

The future of the Royals, he was

Everyone in South Korea knew him
He was the most admired Master among the Royals.

What was there not to admire about the young Master?
He had the perfect height, perfect looks, the fame and yes of course 'money' the thing humans now go crazy for.

But with good comes bad.

They admire him but they were also afraid of him at the very same time.

No one knows why he acts so cold
No one knows how his childhood was spent.
No one knows even a bit of his lifestyle.

While there were people who admired him, there were also people who hated him, yes hated him to the core.

His name is "Haruto Yang"

Though his surname screamed Korean, his name never did the same.

A secret that only the insiders knew.

And with everything perfect in him and having all the luxury, people thought that he was spending the best time in his life.

But only he knew how sleepless nights are.

Only he knew how monsters are.

Only he knew that luxury comes with mysery.

Bothered with the condition of the young Master, the queen goes on for a quest, in search of a Lullaby.

Only she understood the young master, only she loved the young master.

And she knew that all he needed was a Lullaby.

A young boy with torn sweater and pants hummed a lullaby for his love ones as one laid his head on his shoulder and one on his lap.

As he realised that his younger siblings are asleep, he lays them close to each other in order to stay warm.

No shelter, no food, nothing but poverty.

As he walks on the street in hope to get something to eat, he sees a keyboard laying near the garbage bin.

Oh how much he loved playing piano when he was a young kid.

He places it on his lap and starts to play the keys with no music yet it sounded so soothing to him.

As he drowns himself into the music, a lady calls out.

"Hello my dear" so warm it reminded him of his mother.

"Uh yes ma'am" he bows and places the keyboard on the side.

"I heard you humming a lullaby"

"Uh yes ma'am I-i was" he was quite nervous as someone as high as the lady has never spoke to him.

"What is your good name dear?"

"Kim Doyoung"it has been long since someone asked his name.

"Well then Doyoungie. Can you sing and play it for him too?" The lady asked with the sweetest voice.

"For him?" Without thinking twice he asked.

"Yes for him,

Who is now crying for someone's help"

See you😁

Till then keep loving TREASURE🧡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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