~ 7

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I walked into the hall as I saw Sunghoon was skating with a girl inside the rink while smiling making me frowned.

I came here because this is what and where Sunghoon practice as that what Yeji and my friend said.

“Miya know everything about you because of Jake yet I envy her” I said to myself.

“Why you never open up to me” I asked myself again as I feel tears fall from my eyes.

It’s been a month yet you still treat me like a stranger. I thought as I walked away.

~ ~

“Hi Miya, hi Y/n” Jay said as we planning to hangout today.

Sunghoon was standing beside me making me uncomfortable. We still dating but these day I keep avoiding from him.

I looked at Sunghoon making him looked at me too. He smile and I returned it. We was inside the clothes store because Jay and Miya planning to buy some for birthday party tonight at the twin house.

“You don’t need this clothes tho, you already pretty” I said in flirting way to Miya making Miya giggled.

“Say that to Sunghoon” She said because Sunghoon is standing beside me.

“Yow” I said to Jake pretending I didn’t hear what Miya just said.

“Yes y/n?” Jake asked as I leave Miya but Sunghoon still followed me.

“I should help birthday boy clothes for tonight” I said with wide smile on my face.

“U-uh” Jake looked at Sunghoon then at me not knowing what to answer.

“Sunghoon you should help Jay” I said and pushed him away without letting him say a word.

“It’s obvious you avoiding him” Jake said as we both choosing a clothes.

“I saw he was smiling with a girl while practicing” I said as I try not to cry.

And he still not open up to me. I thought.

“He love to skate since he was little, he must be smiling because he was skating. Why not you try skating with him” Jake suggest making me smile and nodded.

It was so dark as people sing a birthday song to both of the twin.

“Happy birthday my lovely girl” I said and kiss her cheeks.

“I really sorry but I need to go home right now, so go and have fun” I said making Miya pouted.

I don’t want to stay here because I still sad about Sunghoon but none of my friend know.

“Okay, please be safe” She said and give me a hugged.

“Hey guys I will go home early today” I said to Jake, Jay and Sunghoon that was ready to eat the cake.

Jake and Jay was bickering with me so that I'm not going to go home but at the end they let me go.

“Sunghoon” I looked at him because he said he will send me home.

“Y-yeah?” He looked at me and smile a little.

“Let’s go skating” I said making he looked at me confused.


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