part 15 <3

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y/n pov-
(Weeks after)

So after the fun 'vacation' we can call it
At earth me and billie both were hit with like tons of work
we have been gone and off work for a good while so know we have a shit ton of stuff to do
Today however I have this suck ass test
Every angel/devil has to go through this test, it's pretty easy with like all the rules, principles blah blah blah
Every angle has to go this conference hall and give our test together

Me and billie have FaceTimed here and there still making time for each other
I miss her so much
But her lucky ass doesn't have to give the test

"Heyy baby" billie says on the other end of the phone

"Hey bil" I giggle

"Are u ready for the test?" She asks

"Yeah I mean it's pretty easy, but again ur lucky ass doesn't have to give it" I say rolling my eyes playfully

"Yeah yeah I'll never hear the end of this, plus I got shit ton of work to do today. BUTTTT ill get it done by 5 so I can meet ur beautiful ass" she says even though she isn't here right now but I can still hear her smile

My lips turn into a smile as well

"I can't wait to meet ur gorgeous ass too" I laugh

"Anyways I gotta get going for the test, wish me luck dumbass" I say

"Gooooddd luckkkkkkkk cutie I KNOW you'll kill it. And I love youuuu soooo fucking much" billie drags cutely

"I love u to bil bil, see you baby" I smile before hanging up the phone as much as I didn't want to I had to leave

"Y/n dear, are u ready" my dad says

"Yupp lemme just get my things and we can get going" I smile softly

Lowkey just want to get this shit over with and meet billie

(At the center/where they give the exam)

I enter this big ass conference hall
As soon as I enter all eyes fall on me

I hear whispers all around me

"Look THAT is billies soulmate!"
"Wow THAT bitch is her soulmate, she probably faked it"

I take a deep breath knowing this would happen

I go to my seat and just start doing my test
All around me I hear whispers and laughs

Do these people NOT know how to give a fucking test

Finally I finished the test
It was soooo easy
I walk over to the lady sitting by the door giving her the test with a warm smile with she mirrored
As soon as I leave the hall I was cornered by may and her 'cult' I like to call it

"What do u want may" I say sighing tiredly

So damn tired if her bullshit

"Tell me the truth" she says


"About what" I sigh crossing my arms

"You and billie" she says

"What do I need to tell the 'truth' about?" I ask confused

"Of how u are obviously faking that stupid tattoo" she snickers

"No I am not, and u know that, you guys are just in denial" I state

"Oh so we are in denial?" She scoffs

"How about we check ur little tattoo there" she says stepping closer to me

Before I could react or do anything I feel one of the girls there grab my left hand tightly and another one grabs my right hand

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