Part || The Three

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"I'm glad we are all home." says Kailey. "It was really fun but i'm just exhausted!"
"Yaws!" Says Oliva.
Cambria giggles at Oliva.
"Give me a goodnight kiss babe!" Kailey says
"Okay hun." Cambria says back towards Kailey.
They have a long, passionate kiss. its beautiful.
Oliva turns around and kisses Kailey too. As well as Oliva kissing cambria. They all fell asleep, holding each other.
It's the next morning.
Oliva smells eggs being made in the kitchen!
"Mmmm!" Says Oliva as she gets up and walks to the kitchen. "Good morning babe!" Says Kailey.
Kailey and Oliva have a good morning kiss.
"Oh so it's you making breakfast, hot stuff!" Oliva says to Cambria before they kiss. Cambria giggles.
"Alright everyone, i'm done cooking!" Cambria states. They all sit down at the round table and starts eating. "Mmm, this is good babe!" says Kailey.
"Thanks baby!" says Cambria.
"I'm going out, i'll see y'all cuties later!" Cambria says.
"Wait where are you going?" Says kailey.
"Somewhere." Says Cambria as she walks out the door.
Cambria gets in her Tesla and drives away.
"Hey babe." Cambria says while kissing Harry on the cheek.
"Hey hot stuff, didn't know you would be here."
"Who's that, Harry?"
"He's not supposed to be here." Harry turns around and shoots the man standing there.
"Oh that was so hot." Cambria says.
Harry was a mafia gang leader.

Cambria is obviously having an affair with her two other girls.


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