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Trigger warnings will be at the end of the forewords, skip if you wish to skip potential spoilers.

Welcome. This is a short Percabeth AU, which I wrote purely on the basis of love to the franchise. These are not my character's but they are my own interpretations. This is a work of fiction, and, like all other fiction, is a reflection of how I think these characters would be. Thank you for understanding.

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To Lexy, Lex4205, without whom this would not be possible.

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'I don't want you to go without me but

when you do won't you put myself in my shoes?'

Orla Gartland, Left Behind

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This is a work of fiction. Any parallels between this and reality are purely coincidental.

Please note, that though this is historical fiction, it is not necessarily historically correct fiction—especially in Part V. So please take what you read with a grain of salt, and do not think that this 100% fact; it simply is not.

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Content & trigger warnings:

Part I: (brief) mention of vomit, death and suicide.

Part II: none that I can think of, please do tell me if you have any you want listed.

Part III: sex (brief, not smut).

Part IV: implied miscarriages. Medical abuse. (Implied) sexual abuse.

Part V: (mentions of) death, blood and gore. Traumatic injury. Depictions of war. Ableism. Misogyny.

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