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As mentioned previously, I'm an a/pm, h.apm, uploader, designer, and artist.

PM : If you've ever been in big servers (there is PM's in small servers as well though), you've surely seen a channel called partnerships/partners or links! A pm's job is to post other servers ads and that other server has to post their ad in their own server as well. This is to gain invites to the servers. PM's find partnerships by, dm'ing people, doing mass* or getting massed with. 

AM : Same thing as a pm, but instead, you add an @everyone in the ads. And instead of doing it in a partners/partnership/links channel, you do it in a separate channel called either, aff/affiliates/pings.

APM : Just means you are both a pm and am.

H.APM : H.APM's hire AM's, PM's or both to certain servers where they are hired at if the owner doesn't feel like it or just wants some extra help/doesn't have the time to do it themselves.

Uploader : Maybe you've seen some popular icon/decor servers, what my job is at those servers, is to post images,layouts,etc. Whether they are requested by regular members, or I'm just meeting my daily/weekly/monthly/overall quota*.

Designer : As a designer here's a few things I do: Gfx (which are banners, icons, ect.), layouts, emoji's, and more! Here's a must, if you order from a designer NEVER remove their watermark* if they have one. Making these things takes time, and not everyone has the patience or needs to do this.

*Quota : An amount of things I have to reach before a certain time. Could be a one time thing, or repeatedly. Basically a deadline.

*Codeblock : Adding 3 backticks, the ' symbol, each to the front and back of something, usually an ad. It just helps copy the ad easily but is not posted that way. Don't confuse it with the ' symbol!

*Mass : Its basically partnering or affiliating with more than 2 servers at the same time. There can be any amount to partner/affiliate with and this is usually done in portals*

*Portal : A server made by an a/pm to keep track of the servers they work for, know their reps and for people to mass in.

*Watermark : A watermark is something designers add to their creations to let you know it was them that did it. Their watermark can be their username + tag if they have one, their name, ect.

For any questions message me!

My plans and requirements are up next.

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