Chapter 1

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Chapter 1, Memories and Train rides

Fionna hummed to herself as the train pulled into a station. She watched a few more people pile into the front car; she wondered where they were headed, if any of them had the same destination as she did. She dug around in her bag until she found her phone, two more long agonizing hours until she would finally be at her new school, Asheville Arts Academy. Fionna chuckled to herself remembering when the letter of her acceptance had first been received.

She had been in her room, messing with the acoustic guitar her dad had gotten her a few birthdays before. Humming to herself, she did not hear her mother's excited exclaims until she was pounding on Fionna's bedroom door causing the sixteen year old to jump, nearly off her bed. Fionna placed the guitar down and opened the door, instantly being tackled by her overjoyed mother.

"YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED!" Her mother whooped over and over again, bouncing around the room. Fionna sat up and stared at her mother as though she had sprouted another head. Seeing the look her daughter was giving, Fionna's mother settled next to her daughter and handed her the formal letter containing her acceptance.

"Asheville Arts Academy? Aaa?" Fionna giggled heartily and continued reading. A wild grin formed over her face. "I… I've been accepted into the music department?! MA! They want me at their school!" Fionna shrieked with joy, throwing her arms around her mother. Her mother returned the hug giving her daughter a tight squeeze.

"Your dad would be so proud of you Fi." Tears formed in both their eyes at the mention of Fionna's father. They hugged each other tightly, tears streaming down both their cheeks. "I know Fi." Her mother comforted her as a sob escaped Fionna's lips. It was uncomfortable for Fionna to break down in front of anyone, even her mother. It became easier as the tears slowed; her mother was rocking Fionna back and forth humming a Lullaby her father had written her while she was a baby. The sound soothed the teenage further.

Sniffling, Fionna squeezed her mother once more before letting her go. "Thanks Ma… I know Dad would be proud of me. I'm gonna be following in his footsteps. I can't wait." She gave her mother a smile as she sat up on her bed. Her mother returned the smile as she rose to her feet, turning to leave.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow okay? We have one week to get you everything you need. I love you baby girl." Her mother walked out, pulling the door closed behind her. Hearing the door catch the latch, Fionna got to her feet and began rummaging through her books. She pulled an old photograph from one of her father's favorite books and stared at the picture that secured the first fishing trip her father and she had taken.

"I promise Daddy, I'm gonna be just like you. My music will be just like yours. I'll make people happy. I'll make them feel the way your music made people feel. I love you Daddy." She would make her father proud. She had to.

Fionna shook her head, tears stinging her eyes as she pushed the memory out of her mind. Absentmindedly she grabbed her Guitar and started to strum her fingers against the strings. She started to hum a tune, watching as rain rolled down the train's window. Fionna was deep in thought, wondering about how she would like the academy. I'm following in your footsteps Dad. I'll make you proud just like I promised. Fionna thought staring out at the dark rain clouds that filtered the sky. She placed the guitar down and picked up a notebook, writing down the rain inspired lyrics that swam through her mind.

Even though you're gone

It's not over.

I can overcome these tears


I know you're with me

Even if it's only in my dreams.

New Beginnings: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now