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(I'm so sorry for not updating, I actually injured my hand during volleyball and I couldn't type without causing pain in my entire right hand, but I'm back now and recovering well, take a long chapter with lovey dovey sam to make up for it?)

Sam was seen sleeping over top his computer his head hanging at an uncomfortable angle, his right hand has a brace on it, specifically holding his thumb in place to stop it from bending.

He was very clearly drooling slightly before his hand slipped and he smacked his injured thumb off the table, causing Sam to quickly standup and in a dazed state cradle his hand to his chest doubling over.
"Fuck! Oh my-" he panted heavily, holding down a gag. "Fuck..." he groaned and held his hand out checking to make sure the brace was okay.

"Fuck, sorry, hey, welcome back."
He smiled brightly even though his thumb was clearly hurting like hell.
He took a few deep breaths before he sat back down in his chair and threw his head back.
"Halloween, huh? Yeah, those cobweb, they are uh, not decoration, hehe, it's a mess." He shrugged and pulled his thumb to his chest again.

"I'm sorry I haven't been typing for you my love, I've been trying, but my injury has impaired me for a moment, I hope you haven't lost interest in me. It's-" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath as if he was about to cry, he cleared his throat my throat.

"It's... my fault, I'm sorry my dear." He looked down into his lap, his non-injured fingers tangling with each other.

He stood up and closed his laptop making his way towards the kitchen area of his small, one story home.

"So, I've been working longer shifts at the saw mill I picked up a job at, I dropped the end of a 2x4 (two by four) on my thumb, it hurt like a bitch, split my thumb, and jammed if not popped my thumb out of place." He bit his lip as he held his thumb up showing where the nail is cracked, there's dry blood crusted on the top of the nail, the nail clearly had built up blood behind it.
"My nail will probably fall off or some shit. Hopefully it doesn't hurt to much."
He groaned as he realized he forgot something.

"I was gonna show you my new thing too. Whatever, I'll show you later. I hope I didn't bore you to much, I missed seeing the light of the world around you brighten my dull world."

He pulled open his fridge and pulled out a jar of jelly.
He moved over to his bread bin and took out two slices from a loaf.

"Did you have a good past few weeks? I hope it wasn't too boring for you, I know I'm usually the highlight of your day." He winks like they're in some cheesy sitcom and laughs afterward. His laugh was guttural, it was loud and enough to make him throw his head back, he soon took in a heavy breath and moved to toss his bread in the toaster.

"I just finished reading this book recently where this girl is like trying to save her planet and she like falls in love with this mech that can like feel emotions and he's one of a kind but in the end they don't get to end up together even though the mech confesses his love to her. It made me so mad. They literally kissed and the girl clearly felt the same for him but express it correctly cause neither of them have ever felt love like that before, so she was all like dead silent and he was like, I'll die for you, and she was just like, what no don't die for me, my life is not more important than yours, even if you're a mech you have a soul. And it was really heart touching and cute and I cried. A lot." He finished his rant and grabbed his toast.

He started slathering his strawberry jelly all over the toast, making a mess without being able to use his thumb.

"I hope you find someone to love like that, that someone is probably out there, eating strawberry jelly on toast or something, probably ranting about a book they read or something." He flushed slightly as he rubbed his cheek into the top of his shoulder trying to hide it.

"I um...ahem I hope you find that person soon, ya know...?"
He mumbled lightly under breath, though, it wasn't picked up.

His frown was obviously sticky out, but he turned from the counter with a big smile on his face, yet it never reached his eyes. He bit his toast and made a motion to follow him with his head as he chewed holding his hand up in front of his mouth to hide the food in his mouth as he spoke.

"Ya know, I bet you look really nice today. I bet you look nice everyday, you could have an off day and I could still find reasons why I'd love every part of you. Platonically of course," he chuckled, "I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable, ya know, haha..." his laugh died off, it was nothing his hearty laugh from earlier. His genuine laugh sounded better than whatever that just was.
He plopped down on his couch laying down.

"Dude, I heard apparently the PSATS this year were like fucked, something about republican women or something. Apparently people hated it." He laughed, it was closer to his real one this time, but it was strained.
"I hated those, god they were actually trash. I fucking hated those." His genuine laugh was back, his stomach bouncing with each melodic sound that he released. It was nice. It felt safe. He calmed down again and yawned.
"Damn, hey um, I'm sorry doll, I think I'm gonna take a nap, but I'll definitely type faster for you this time, yeah? I'm sure I'll recover fast. I'm sure if you could give my thumb a kiss it's heal faster, but uh, you cant so, I guess I'll do what I can without." He jokingly poked fun and closed his eyes.
"Till next time love." He blew a sloppy kiss as he snuggled into the cushions on his couch. 

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