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Ryouta was slowly walking in the school hallway, eventually getting closer to the teacher's lounge. He passed through it a couple of times, peeked if his so-called homeroom teacher's in there before a familiar blonde saw him. 

"Ryouta?" Hizashi called, stopping in front of the boy. Ryouta's heartbeat rose in surprise and embarrassment.

He rubbed the back of his neck and can't help to sentence what he's going to say. "Is Aizawa-sensei around?" he asked awkwardly, thinking he should've done much better.

"It's his day off," Hizashi uttered, "do you want me to send him a message?"

"Um... No thank you, I'll just tell him myself," The raven-haired boy uttered, "thankyou Present Mic."


Ryouta would be lying if he said he wasn't for once disappointed that he couldn't find Aizawa in school. But it's not like he didn't try. 

On his way home, the raven-haired boy saw a familiar figure, the person he's been searching for all day, sitting on a bench in front of an apartment building-not his apartment building.

"Perhaps you're dating someone who lives up there, sensei?" Ryouta uttered teasingly, taking the seat next to him. He didn't have the eye patch on anymore, but his left eye was still red, it's inevitable though, him being an eye-based quirked hero. 

Aizawa was smoking when the boy arrived, and like a responsible adult, he dropped it to the ground and stepped on it. Aizawa chuckled, without showing any surprised look that the boy just appeared out of nowhere, "I don't think so," he muttered without turning his eyes at him. 

"I've been looking for you," Ryouta uttered awkwardly, rubbing his hands together as he waits for a response. "Really?" Aizawa replied short, rather indifferently. 

Ryouta picked a card from his bag- a birthday invitation, and anxiously held it.

Even when that's not the reply he's hoping for, Ryouta proceeds, "I've been wanting to give you this, well, it's not mandatory for you to come and I know how much you enjoy your free time, but-"

"I'll come," Aizawa cut him off, turning a soft-warming smile. But his eyes seem off as if he was staring through the boy.

But Ryouta couldn't have noticed,  he was too happy with it. If it really happens, it'll be the first time of him celebrating his birthday with a father figure, not that he will ever admit it. 

"Good to know, I gotta go, goodbye sensei!" Ryouta uttered excitedly as he left.


Aizawa stared at the small piece of card for a while, reading the little notes in it silently before tucking it into his pocket. The raven-haired hero stood and walked home. His hands tucked into his pocket, his right hand fingering the card in it. 


"So how's your day off? Sleeping all day?" Hizashi uttered as the raven-haired hero entered his apartment. Aizawa hanged his coat before turning his blonde friend a deadly stare. "I was visiting Oboro's grave actually," he said, "Also, what on earth's love are you doing in my apartment at this hour, Mic?" 

Present Mic rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "Nemuri and I was having a small fight, I thought I'd give her some space," he said. Aizawa sighed as he grabbed a black t-shirt from the closet, quickly changing the hero costume he had on. 

"What did you do this time? You better fix it real quick, I don't want her calling me late at night to cry about whatever it is about you guys," Aizawa uttered before chugging half a bottle of cold coffee from the fridge. 

"What about we do a double date?" Mic uttered excitedly, causing the raven-haired hero to almost choking to his soul. "Who are you talking to?"

"You of course!" The blonde hero uttered like it was obvious. Aizawa squinted his eyes, "Do I look like I'm dating somebody to you?"

Hizashi pulled a thinking pose, rubbing his chin with a finger, "I can match you with-"

"No," Aizawa cut, "I'm going to my room, feel free to sleep wherever you want, just don't sleep with the TV still on."

"Sir, yes, sir!" 

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