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"Mum, dad, can I please have the day off school?" I ask impatiently. "I don't feel well and going to school might make it worse" I really don't understand why I feel sick but I think it might have something to do with what my parents whispering about me. They think I can't hear them calling me 'not normal' or saying I 'don't belong' here or 'you know what she really is, be careful'. "Honey, you've taken so many sick days this year, I don't think you need another" says mum. She hesitates and hurriedly says "On second thought, take the day off" and rushes off. "What..?" I ask myself "Why..?"

I wonder what made mum let me take the day off school. Some questions can never be answered.

I am at home all alone and it is creepy, I mean, I should be used to this by now. Every sound I hear, every thing I do makes me want to throw up so I think its best I go to bed. Oh gosh! I sound like an adult, telling myself to go to bed. Well, I hardly slept last night so, it's probably for the best.

I plod through the house to get to my room and plonk myself on my bed. I turn on the T.V to see the finale of Total Drama World Tour and I wonder how it will end. I don't know who I am rooting for. This, I think to myself, is like my life, I don't know what I want. I turn off the T.V and lay back. Why is it so hard to find who you are, where you belong? I close my eyes and wonder, who would I be without the place I call home, who could I be.

I feel my head sinking into the pillow and my eyes close. I am in a deep state of relaxation which is why I am confused and shocked when I feel myself floating and when I start to fall I am so shocked I open my eyes. I am home. 

But I just don't know it yet.

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