Preceding (1)

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Esther's voice came out loud and aggressive, but that was on purpose.

"Baby, stop, you're overreacting." He said, letting out a loud gasp as Esther shoved him back.

"No," She continued, trying her hardest to not let out sobs. "I don't want to." She added, feeling tears go down her soft and crimson-colored cheeks.

"Fine, bitch." huffed out finally, and stormed out of the darkness of the room. Esther slipped to the ground, giving up any control over her crying.

Did that really just happen? She asked herself, closing her knees towards her. Her eyes turned a puffy red and the little amount of makeup she had on smudged.

This wasn't like him.

"Oh shit."

Her knees were greeted by warm small hands, and she knew immediately who's they were.

"Dakota, please just leave me alone." Her voice was tiny and muffled, despite her efforts to force it to appear stronger.

"Are you okay?" The other asked with a frown. Esther's face expression shifted to anger and she forced the tears away.

"Yeah." was all she said before quickly standing up, brushing invisible dust off her shirt.

"If you say so." Dakota, the other voice said softly.

"Let's go home."

Dakota nodded, standing up as well. Her height wasn't as much as Esther's but they were about the same.

They walked out of the house and into the car, before Esther handed the keys to Dakota.

"You didn't drink anything, so you drive." She said quietly, pushing herself into the passenger seat. Dakota stared at her through the mirror with suspicious eyes but continued driving down the road.

A few minutes passed, and Esther closed her eyes, wanting to be in the comfort of her bed.

"Almost there." Dakota said, noticing Esther's sleepiness.

As Esther finally drifted to sleep, she heard a loud car honk and a jerking so harsh she was thrown against the window. She felt instant pain in her upper head, realizing she had busted through the window besides her. She stared at it, before moving her bead to where the pain was. She brought her hand back down before seeing it was covered in blood.

That was the last thing she remembered.


Esther woke up in a not-so-comfortable bed. She slowly opened her eyes before seeing all the light around her. She quickly shoved them shut, as it hurt when she opened them. She heard beeping and other hospital-y noises. She listened closely to the footsteps that slowly approached her. The click, click click of a man's polished shoes put her on edge.

"So, I hear you managed to survive against impossible odds of living." A sudden voice spoke thick of British.

Esther slowly opened her eyes, forcing them to adjust. She looked in the direction of the voice, her vision a bit blurry. She focused on the man's face, studying his features. He had a defined jawline for sure, and a smile that could face the world alone. He also wore thin black-rimmed glasses, and had messy but also styled at the same time darkish-brown hair.

Esther frowned, not knowing who this man was. She tried speaking but her voice just came out as mumbled and not even whole words. She frowned, trying to talk again. Nothing. Slowly, she felt some tears go down her cheeks. She just stared at the British man, and then pointed to her own mouth. He let out a short sigh.

"Oh, you can't speak?" He asked, and Esther nodded. 

He leaned away and left the room, leaving Esther all alone. A few minutes later the man came back with a notepad and a pen, along with a friendly smile that could make any woman bow down to him. If only she realized that he was only interested in one woman.

"Here, you can't talk so just write whatever down." He said, handing her the notepad and pen gently. She took it, with a neutral expression on her face.

She looked down at the ground next to her, before writing on the paper.

What happened to me, was what the note said.

"Darling, your friend, Dakota, hit a deer and the slippery roads sent the car off a nearby bridge," He explained, 'darling' leaving butterflies in Esther's stomach. "you were the only survivor, I'm afraid."

As the news hit her, she felt the tears quickly roll down her cheeks. She closed her eyes, refusing to believe any if it. Her best friend since the fourth grade, was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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