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A soft thud on the door announced Robyn’s arrival. Nicki, who’d touched up her lipstick three times in the half hour since she’d arrived at the hotel, took a deep breath and strutted towards the door. The woman in the hallway wore a long silk dress in the liveliest red Nicki had ever seen. It clung to her well-proportioned shape like a second skin. Nicki stepped back and gestured her to come inside.
“I’m Robyn,” she said and curved her lips towards Nicki’s cheek. “Enchantée.” Her eyes seemed to devour Nicki, resting on the few patches of skin Nicki had left bare.
“Nicki” Nicki had practiced in her head how to get the niceties out of the way, but, despite saying the line out loud to her mirrored self a dozen times, it sounded terribly self-conscious. “So how does this work?”
“Let’s sit for a minute.” Robyn smiled and with a few gracious strides she had reached the bed. Nicki sat down next to her, paying extra attention to her posture—no slumped shoulders and spine stretched straight—to match Robyn’s well-educated way of balancing on the edge of a bed. “You pay me up front for the first hour. Before I leave we settle the full amount. After three hours I only charge half and I never stay longer than five hours.” Robyn plastered a mischievous grin on her face. “So, if you have the stamina, the fifth hour is free.” She slanted her body in Nicki’s direction and found her ear.
“And I often do my best work when the clock ticks loudest.” Her red-painted lips arched into another smile. “It’s purely psychological, of course.”
Nicki, suddenly grateful she’d taken out the extra thousand, reached for her purse and peeled two five hundred notes off the stack in her wallet. On her walk to the hotel she’d made a mental list of all the items that could be bought for a thousand euro—a small second hand car, a 3D TV, a quality laptop, a Michael Kors summer dress, the list went on and on. She handed the money to Robyn who tucked it in a side pocket of the large bag she brought with her.
“A few ground rules,” Robyn continued. “Please, don’t bring me up in casual conversation with your friends. After five appointments you get referral rights. Women only.” Samantha had paid this woman at least five times to have sex with her? “And I have a nonrefund policy.” Robyn shot her a silly smirk. “Any questions?” How does someone become a luxury high-end by-referral-only prostitute catering to power lesbians, Nicki thought. “Not at the moment,” she said. “Well then.” Robyn extended her right arm, palm lifted skyward.
“Let the fun begin.” Nicki sheepishly put her hand into Robyn’s, who pulled her away from the bed. It seemed so foolish now that Nicki had worried about chemistry or type. Robyn stood in front of her in her crimson dress, her lips and nails painted in the same colour. Like a bought illusion, Nicki thought and accepted the first kiss. Instant desire shot through her, forcing her skin to crinkle into gooseflesh and her stomach to engage in that dizzy sort of flip she hadn’t been subjected to in a long time. Robyn’s tongue entered her mouth slowly and smoothly, caressing Nicki’s lips from every angle.
Her hands trailed from her shoulders to the naked skin of her neck and when Nicki opened her eyes the only thing she saw in the reflection of the mirror was the red of Robyn’s nails travelling upward to her cheekbones. Robyn gently pushed her towards the wall without letting their lips lose contact. When she finally broke free from Nicki she let her tongue slide over her upper lip and nodded approvingly.
“This is going to be fun.”
Nicki couldn’t relax completely yet. Shouldn’t she have offered a drink? Was she allowed to touch everything? Robyn locked her eyes on Nicki’s and languidly, with the back of her hand, traced a line
from her neck, over her breast, until her fingertips rested at Nicki’s belt. She undid the buckle and slid it out of the loops, then appraised it and said, “this may come in handy later.” Robyn tugged Nicki’s blouse out of her pants. “Excellent taste,” she said while rubbing the fabric between her thumb and index finger. Robyn unbuttoned Nicki’s blouse, starting at the bottom and, without touching or exposing any skin, gradually made it to the top. Before she opened the two sides of fabric that covered Nicki’s breasts, she ran her lips all the way up and down Nicki’s neck, more breathing than kissing. She fixed her gaze on Nicki again and, with a tantalisingly slow caress, escorted the blouse down Nicki’s arms until it fell to the floor. Nicki stood trembling against the wall, her nipples bulging hard against the lace of her bra. It wasn’t Robyn’s actions so much—most women knew how to sensually undress a lover—as the complete confidence she displayed in them, erasing every second thought Nicki had about this afternoon. Soon she’d start to wonder why she hadn’t resorted to this earlier.
“Come on,” Robyn whispered while kicking off her shoes. “Time to test the bed.” Nicki’s glance caught the alarm clock on the night stand. It was three twenty-three but she already knew she was going
for the full five hours. She stepped out of her shoes and, having slightly gained composure again, along with the belief that her voice wouldn’t shake too much, addressed Robyn, “As stunning as that dress looks on you, I think it’s time to take it off.”
“At your service, madam.” Robyn presented her back to Nicki so she could zip her out of the gown. Her skin was so smooth and evenly bronzed that Nicki suspected Robyn of coming from another galaxy, or at least another, more sun-kissed area than northern Europe. Robyn’s ruby dress was now a silk puddle on the hotel room carpet. The only fabric left on her skin was a wine-coloured pair of panties. What a profession, Nicki thought, it doesn’t even require
wearing a bra. Robyn faced Nicki in her almost naked glory and flipped open the button of her jeans. Once they had dropped to the floor as well, forming another mountain of discarded clothing, Robyn backed onto the bed, her eyes never leaving Nicki’s face. Nicki crawled towards her on all fours, to that promising soft-skinned body that was all hers for the next hours, and looked forward to straddling Robyn, but, as soon as she approached, Robyn grabbed her by the wrists and made her lose balance. Robyn tipped Nicki over and held her arms above her head with one hand, her long fingers pressing firmly into the delicate skin of Nicki’s wrists. “Don’t move,” Robyn said while peering deep into Nicki’s eyes. She reached for her bag which stood next to the bed and produced a red silk scarf. “Okay?” Robyn asked and Nicki wouldn’t dream of declining the offer of being tied up. Robyn’s breasts, which Nicki was more than ready to devour, swayed up and down while she tightened the scarf around Nicki’s hands and tied her to the bed.
“This is why I like the George V,” she said, “the furniture is very functional.”
Robyn kissed Nicki again and this time, with Robyn’s naked body pressed firmly against hers, Nicki could feel the heat between her legs. The sensation of not being able to use her hands while Robyn’s roamed so freely and without inhibitions over her body only
added to the storm brewing in her core. This afternoon of hired help wasn’t a question of coming anymore, the real question was how many times it would occur. Robyn’s fingers stroked her nipples through the lace of her bra until, at last, she lowered the left cup and let one breast, and one extremely erect nipple, break free. As if the nipple wasn’t allowed to be exposed to the outside air, Robyn covered it immediately with her mouth, licking and nibbling it softly until, Nicki feared, it might explode. Nicki’s thong was soaked by now and she could feel the wetness trickle down between her legs. Robyn aimed her attention at the other nipple, gently setting it free from the bra and tonguing it until it felt as if it could pierce more than just air. Nicki was ready to beg Robyn to fuck her, or at least make her remove the drenched underwear that clung to her. Robyn’s knee caused friction on her pelvis and Nicki impatiently pushed herself up to increase it, but Robyn made her wait for it. She trailed a slow line of wet kisses around Nicki’s belly-button and then, finally, after what seemed like ages but had, in real time, only been a few minutes, she buried the tip of her tongue underneath the waistband of Nicki’s thong. “Take it off,” Nicki pleaded, but all Robyn did was shoot her a sexy lipstick-smudged smile. She planted moist kiss after moist kiss on Nicki’s inner thighs, each one nearing a bit closer to where it
mattered. The first touch of Robyn’s mouth on her lower lips, on top of the thong, sent a jolt of electricity through Nicki’s body. All her nerves bunched together and screamed for release. Usually, Nicki was a big fan of foreplay, dragging it out for hours on lazy weekend afternoons, but the circumstances of this particular Sunday afternoon made this short time of foreplay feel more like an endurance battle. Robyn let one finger slip under the fabric of Nicki’s panties.
“Someone’s excited,” Robyn said and fixed her dark-brown eyes with unmistakable passion on Nicki’s. She retracted her finger and brought it to her half-open mouth, rubbing it against the tip of her
“Fuck me now, please.” Nicki couldn’t help herself anymore. She gripped her hands firmly around the copper bar of the bed they were tied to and imagined her knuckles going white with frustration. Robyn ripped her panties off, locked eyes with Nicki one more time, and finally licked the outer lips of her pussy up and down. Nicki let out a loud sigh of relief and the hints of ecstasy coating her voice caused more synapses to short-circuit. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this fired up, this ready to blow, like a purely physical creature that didn’t care about anything else but the looming climax. Robyn dug her tongue deep into the folds of Nicki’s pussy, avoiding any clit contact. She probed in and out and licked the juices that were flowing freely while one hand stroked the sensitive area beneath Nicki’s belly-button and the other spread her lips wide with two fingers. After a few more minutes of exquisitely excruciating bliss Robyn let her tongue wander to Nicki’s clit, gently pricking it at first with short licks, but soon lapping and sucking at it until Nicki hit the verge. As if she sensed it, Robyn withdrew and re-positioned. Nicki felt Robyn’s fingers at the rim of her pussy, ready to enter. The first stroke was tentative, just one finger testing the terrain. The next one was more forceful and deeper until Robyn was fucking her with two fingers in a steady rhythm. Each thrust coaxed a louder, more animal-like groan from Nicki’s throat. When Robyn
flicked her tongue over her clit a few more times Nicki felt it building inside of her, that unique blend of heat and fireworks spreading through her muscles and blood, through every fibre of her body. It began with small waves and miniature muscle contractions, which soon convulsed through her body and made the walls of her pussy clench around Robyn’s fingers, as if she wanted to keep them there forever.
“God almighty,” Nicki murmured as Robyn carefully slid her fingers out of her.
“Round one,” Robyn said. “That’s the warm-up done.”

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