Secret Told

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I lay in my bed, tossing an turning. Completely incapable of falling asleep. I think of sneaking over toAsher's, but then I remember what he said. He doesn't want me out at night. Especially alone. I sit up in bed.

"Ugh. This sucks." I say aloud.

I kick my feet over the side of my bed and walk to my bathroom. I peel the Band-Aids off and inspect my neck. Three pairs of bite marks stare back at me. I frown. I count them out.

"Rough Voice, Roger, Asher." I finger each one tentatively.

I sit on the edge of my tub and run hot water into, adding bubble bath in. I grab some clothes out of my room. Shorts, girl boxers, a sports bra, and a tee-shirt. I strip and soak in the tub. The water reaches to my collar bones. I grab my television remote and turn it onto a channel with Disney movies. Anastsia is playing away. I lean back against the tub and let the water wrinkle my fingers and toes while I'm washing and shaving. I giggle like a little girl. I sing along with all the songs.

"Enjoying your bath, Willa?" someone asks from behind me.

I gasp and spin around causing some water to splash over the side of the tub. Asher chuckles low in his throat and kneels beside the tub.

"You got water everywhere, just like..." Asher starts.

"I know, I know, just like I did when we were little." I smile coolly and make a score mark in the air.

"Yeah." He extends his hand to me, "Come on, time to get out."

"Are you nuts? I'm naked as a jay bird." I say turning away.

"Oh, come on. eventually I'm going to see you naked. Besides, I saw you naked when we were kids all the time." Asher says.

"Huh!" I stare at him, "That was then, this is now. I'm a mature young lady. I'm not a shimpy little girl anymore. I've filled out." I make another score mark.

Asher smirks at me, "This isn't over until the fat lady sings."

"Well, then you better start singing." I tell him.

"I am." Asher says as he pulls the plug on the drain and holds it over his head, "Get out."

"Oh, Asher." I try to cover myself, try to block as much of my woman hood as possible, but Asher still sees some.

"What are those on your arms?" Asher asks.

"Nothing." I feel tears brim my eyes.

"Show me." Asher says.

"No, now get out." I says.

Asher kneels down beside me, "I won't tell. I promise." He wipes a tear away, "To tell you the truth, I've cut myself too, once or twice." I gape at him, "Okay, maybe a few more times than that. But it's the thought that counts." He grabs one of my huge towels and wraps it around my shoulders, "You wouldn't be the first girl I've seen naked, but you will be the last."

"Asher, that's not the problem." I turn away from him.

"Then tell me what is." I ignore him and pull the towel down across my chest better. He huffs in annoyance, "Seriously, what could be so bad that you mind your close friend seeing you naked? What could possibly be so..." A pause, "Fuck." He touches my arm, "Willa?" I don't respond, "Willa, come one." Silence, "Austynn, don't shut down. Talk to me. Austynn, I'm sorry."

I stand up and get out of the tub, "You don't have anything to be sorry about. The person that did it should be the one have to groveling, not you, Ash."

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