Chapter 3

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Adam's POV
          "No! Sky! Don do dis!" Ty said. I pushed him off the platform but he fell on another platform which is lower. Oh, anyways I'm Adam A.K.A. SkyDoesMinecraft. I have shaggy chocolate brown hair which is tied into a rattail, budder colored eyes, and tanned skin. You recruits might already know what I look like. Why did my phone started ringing in the middle of an awesome parkour? Wait a minute... (Adam Angela)

Sup lil' sis

One question... why are you not home?

Three words... PARKOUR WITH TY

Oh okay... even though I met a really kawaii desu boy. No wait.. I mean cool

Please tell me now who this boy is




I-I have to go now

Okay b-

          I have no idea but why she fell in love with my best friend. Meh, maybe she found love at first sight.

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