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Before you read there is ALOT of grammar mistakes!! Sorry for all of you out there who are grammar correctors.
- mawgie45

Alissa woke up a loud ring on Aaron's computer. Alissa rubbed her eyes open and walked over to the computer sitting on her dresser. Alissa opened the computer lid and opened the email link. Alissa scrolled her finger across the pad and click on the new email. There was a new message from the Ashes. Alissa read.
We have found you. We are coming to take the girl.
Alissa started panicking thinking "What should I do. Aaron would know. Urgg!! Why did you do this? Okay, go and show Aaron the email."
Alissa looked down at the clock. It read 5:30 a.m. Alissa ran out of her room with the computer under her arm. Alissa ran down the hall to Aaron's room. Alissa started banging and pounding on the door. Alissa did this for about five minutes before he answered. Aaron opened the door and Alissa shoved her way into his room.
"Aaron they have found us!!" Alissa whispered and screamed. "What do you mean are they here," Aaron whispered. "They just sent you and email," Alissa whispered and pointed at the computer. Alissa opened the computer and showed Aaron. Aaron's eyes went big "We need to get everyone out of hear," Aaron whispered. "How?" Alissa whispered. "Well need to go and tell the commander but then I will get caught and then... ," Aaron whispered and looked up at Alissa with big eyes. "I will get caught." "Well sounds like you've got this one all planed out!" Alissa yelled/screamed. "Well, I could just take you and all the gang and leave."
Alissa heard a knock on the door. Alissa when't over to the door. Addison the new girl was at the door. "Hi, I was wondering if I could speak with Aaron." Addison said while peeking through the crack in the door. "He's unavailable at the moment." Alissa said while stepping in front of the door. "Well, then I guess I will have to take you instead." Addison reached for Alissa's arm. Alissa grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her. Aaron came up from behind Alissa with a gun. Two men in black suits, came out from behind Addison. "Put the gun down and follow me." The taller man said. Aaron put the gun down.
Alissa was still holding Addison. "Miss let go of her." The shorter man said to Alissa. Alissa let go, Addison took a big step toward the men and grabbed a gun from one of there gun holders. "Follow both of me if you want to live," she said and gabbed the end of the gun into Alissa's stomach. Alissa bent over in pain. Aaron walked over to Alissa. The two men pointed the gun at the couple and said, "Lets go!" The went behind Alissa and Aaron and pushed them forward with the end of here pistols.
They walked down the halls. All of the body guards where laying on the ground in awkward positions. Alissa was finally standing up right.
They walked them over to boating area and got on one of the small skiffs.
Addison walked over with two big needles and some solution."This her is some sleeping solution. Its going to make both of you sleep for some time." she said while drawing the syringe pump back and filling it with some of the sleeping solution. Addison walked over to Aaron who was know bound to a chair. She injected the solution into his arm. she walked over to Alissa and grabbed the other syringe and started filling it with solution. "This will only hurt a bit." she went for Alissa's arm. Alissa scooted away. "Don't be difficult or I will have my boys over hear and bound you to. Alissa turned away and Addison injected the solution. The boat started up. Aaron was already slumped over, sleeping.
Alissa heard a bang come from one of the boats near by. One of the men grabbed the steering stick and hit the gas there was more bang sounds. Right as Alissa

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