Princess of Bel Aire

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Now this is the story all about how

My life got flipped, turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-air

In west Philadelphia born and raised

On the playground where I spent most of my days

Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool

And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school

When a couple of guys, they were up to no good

Started making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the

License plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror

If anything I could say that this cab was rare

But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air!

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight

And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!"

Looked at my kingdom I was finally there

To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air


Who would've thought that if you sing a song so many times, it would come true? Not me. Before the incident, I didn't believe in superstitions, or the supernatural, or folklore and fairy tales. I didn't believe in ANY of that shit. Until today. I guess you could say this whole "incident" started on February 13th, a Friday.

It started out normal, right? I woke up and showered.. We don't need to go into details about that though. I wasn't feeling so good that morning. I was having monthly cramps and feeling slightly moody, so I just put on my Nike hoodie and shorts and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I didn't feel the need to put on makeup since today was a shortened school day. Besides, we had an early basketball practice this morning, so chances are the makeup would sweat off or something anyways. I grabbed my basketball shoes and tumbled down the stairs. Literally, I tumbled. (It was was dark and I couldn't see where the first step started.) I peeked into my Mom's room and shouted out it was time to be leaving. My mom was 100 times more girly than I, and sometimes it seems we have the mother/daughter role reversed in our family. Ever since my father had erm.. Passed away.. My mom like, went into denial or something and turned into a teenager again. Instead of me taking two hours to get ready, she does. I even have to drive her to her friends' houses sometimes.

"L-o-l! The time passes by sooo quick, don't you think, Hayden? Anyways.. I woke up a little late this morning, and like... I'm not completely finished with my hair, so if you could just hold up for like... Another 30 minutes maybe? Pleasssse?" She begged.

Now, I could have just LEFT her there, but I had to drop her off at work. I didn't legally have my full license anyway... So instead I grabbed her arm and drug her shrieking, squealing, self to the car and buckled her in the passenger seat. My mom glared at me as I put the keys in the ignition. "Your hair looks fine... Do you have everything you need?" I calmly questioned.

She glared at me and said nothing.

The silent treatment? Okay. Well at least it was better than one of her stubborn tantrums she sometimes threw! I smiled and cranked up the radio, switching the channel to one my favorite stations.

10 miles later we arrived at the beauty parlor my mom worked at, and I dropped her off at the door, handing her the lunch I had prepared for her the night before. "Bye, Mom. Have a good day!" I grinned. Then I waited about 5 seconds for a reply before I took off to school.

I walked in the gym doors about 5 minutes late...

But the girls on my team knew about my mom, and how I was responsible for her, so they were always okay with it. Well, maybe they weren't OKAY with it, but they completely understand my rough situation. However, when I walked in those doors this morning, there was an odd tension in the air. Fantastic. I was already in a horrible mood, and did NOT want to deal with another tough practice. Kaley Wheeler, a senior at the high school, was standing opposite Erica Hammond, a really talented freshman. And they did NOT look happy. I rushed over to my friend, Britney's side, and asked what was going on. She said we were going to find out the teams today, and Kaley had told Erica she had better not be on the Varsity team, or that Kaley would make her life miserable. According to Kaley, Varsity was no place for a freshman to start playing. Personally, I knew Kaley was extremely jealous of Erica's natural ability. Kaley had had to work her way up to the position she was in, and it had not been an easy climb for her!

Right then coach walked in with some papers and began announcing who would be on what team. "Varsity will consist of: Kaley Wheeler, Lacey Ortiz, Denise Nichols, Alyssa Meadows, Lauren Abbott, Britney Rogers, Hayden Renae Parsons, Oakley Nuss, Marissa Dawn, and Erica Hammond......" Everyone's heads swished around to see Kayley's reaction. Her jaw dropped down the the floor as she let out a small painful yelp and glared at the back of Erica's head. Coach slightly glanced her direction and then continued to speak. "JV will be: Martina Smalling, Cara Evans, Allie Swanson, Maybella McCurdy, Selena Martinez, Louise Lange, Marla Rivera, Yolanda Corral, Bryanna Herman, Payton Smith, and then Kaley Wheeler will play part time." The room went quiet. The silence rang through my ears. It was terrible.

"WHAAAT?!" Screeched Kaley. "WHY DON'T YOU PUT THAT WHINY LITTLE FRESHMAN--" Kaley searched for a word to use "--B-B-BITCH ON JV?"

"Because, Kaley, she has a way better attitude towards everyone." Coach hotly replied.

It was funny the way coach said it, except now Kaley was going to be a total bitch the rest of practice.

I told you she'd be mean...

Kaley threw the ball as hard as she could at me "If you stupid idiots aren't gonna do the stinking play right, then QUIT! Like now!" Yelled Kaley. Being used to my Mom's attitude, I treated her just like I would with my mom. "Kaley, I think you need to take a time out, and ummm... Chill?" I shrugged and nodded my head smartly. Kaley walked up to me until our faces were about an inch apart and said "You. Little. Bitch" as she slapped me right across the face. Hard. I felt slightly shocked, and my cheek was warm and tingling, but I used to get in fights all the time, and my old reflexes kicked in. I snagged her jaw, and then punched her nose. Not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough to leave a couple of swollen bumps over the next month. It would hurt, but she needed to know who she was messing with. I was about to punch her once more, right in the eye, but coach rushed over and pulled me away from her, dragging me to the hall. I didn't fight against coach, I didn't want to be in any more than trouble than I already was. I might've went a little too far with this whole punching thing, but the snarky little... ...Devil needed to get a taste of her own medicine.

"Hayden! Snap out of it! I know it seems like Kaley deserved it, and she kind of did, but you do know we're going to have to call your mom right?"

"Yes, Coach Hudson. I know."

"Alright," he said as he handed me his phone.

I dialed the salon's number and asked for my mom. She heavily sighed as she picked up the phone. "YES, Hayden?" I told her what happened. Her mom side took over and she scolded me and said she'd get a ride there from one of her co workers.

Ten minutes later I was sitting beside my mom in the principal's office, across from Principal Manché. My mom was crying, saying how she'd thought I'd broken all my old fighting habits, and what not. I calmly started to tell the principal my side of the story- when all of a sudden my mom decided to butt in.

"You know what? I don't think I can raise you alone, Hayden. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but this is the last straw. You're going to be moving in with your Auntie and Uncle, in Bel Aire, Ks."

And that wasn't even the weirdest part.

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