Chapter 2: in which everything turns black

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After this announcement,

my mom decided she would let me skip school today, and signed me out. When we got home we continued the conversation. I begged my mom to let me stay with her, but she wouldn't budge. "Hayden, I don't think I'm a good enough parent for you, not only that, but the crime rates have gone up in our area. Some gangs have been forming right in our neighborhood, they're up to no good!-----" NOW THAT, THAT WAS WAY TO FREAKY FOR ME. I hadn't quite made the connection at this point with the basketball fight, or about my aunt and uncle. But hearing "neighborhood" and "up to no good" reminded me of the Prince of Bel Air song.

"----remember when I used to send you out to the playground every day? It used to be safe, Hayden. Heck, that's where you spent most of your time!!! Have you looked at the playground lately? There's no one there. It. Is. Not. Safe. Hayden."

Sure, now she decides to turn into my mom.

"Okay, fine. Are you taking me then?"

My mom shrugged. "I don't know yet. You're leaving in 5 days though, your Aunt and Uncle already said you could move in with them... You might want to start packing now."

I nodded. "Okay," I said as I walked up the stairs. This conversation was over. I didn't want to leave my mom, but maybe it was a good thing, I needed to be a kid. I did not need to take care of my Mom all the time. That was too much of a responsibility for a girl my age.

Sometimes it seems the only way I can actually get my emotions out is by writing lists. Lists are always so organized, and i needed something that wasn't a screwed up mess in my life, and so I wrote lists. I decided to write one now. Today had been a rough day, and I needed a break.

Today's Events That Brought Stress To Me:

-Cramped up.

-Got in a little fight at basketball.

-Mom said I was moving with Auntie and Uncle, in Bel Aire, Ks.

-She claims that the neighborhood isn't safe, so this would be a good thing for me.

-Even brings up my good old past, when I played on the playground and had a normal family. The nerve of this woman. >:(

-Doesn't know if she wants to take me to Kansas, says I might have to take a--------

And that is when I passed out.


Sorry about the short chapter, I've been really busy and had writers block today.

--And if you force a story when you have writer's block, it won't end up to snappy(:

---oh yeah, and my iPads about to die :p

Well. Vote, comment, do whatever you want.

ALSO, I AM needing a cover really bad. Anyone willing to help me ? :/

My cover was self done and kind of crappy.:P


<3 Selina Manché.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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