Chapter 3

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"MAEVE!" Lily yelled, "we are going to be late!" Dorcas stated as we all hurried up and got ready.
"Oh thank god" Marlene whispered as we all entered the transfiguration room and we looked around "professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet" Dorcas affirmed as I saw a cat "sorry we are late professor McGonagall" lily added as the cat have to be shiting me "how did you-" "I read. I don't come from a wizarding family so I have to do something to not be that lost" Lily explained as McGonagall looked at us the same way as she saw me in the sorting "we are just going to seat..." I half-whispered as I took Lily by her shoulders and sat her next to me on two empty desks.

She definitely hates us I said
How are you in my mind?! Lily asked.
My father. We used to make fun of James by telepathic communication I explained

"MISS POTTER AND MISS EVANS! What did I just say?" Professor McGonagall asked as we stopped the communication and I heard James and Sirius laugh "you were talking about how you are going to turn one of us four into a clock watch so we aren't late?..." I guessed "Mister Potter. What did I say?" McGonagall asked James as he cleared his throat "you were talking about how important it is to be early and have discipline" "well at least one of the Potters is listening" she added as James stuck his tongue at me and I rolled my eyes.
"She hates me," I said "she does not... she was just mad that we were late" Dorcas replied "she definitely does," James said as he entered the conversation, "no one asked for your opinion Potter" Marlene spatted "I don't think she hates you," a light-skinned girl with platinum blonde hair and grey-eyed said in a dreamy voice "pandora!" Dorcas and Marlene annunciate as the girl looked at them "Dorcas! Marlene. lovely to see you guys again" "where is Alice?" Marlene asked "I don't know. i was going to ask you guys the same thing" she replied while I heard a beautiful girl with freckles talk.

"ALICE!" Marlene and Dorcas yelled as they hugged her "lovely to see you again Alice," said Pandora as the girl came and hugged all of us "sorry. i know you guys dont know me yet but, I'm Alice. No way! you guys are the Potters, my parents talk all the time about you guys. well, your parents but still! i love your eyes and your hair. you are very pretty" said the girl to Lily as lily blushed a little and thanked her. "so, where are we going?" Marlene asked as i looked at lily and Remus "we were planning on going to the library?" Remus answered as they all looked at us in disbelief "did you just said study? like because you want to?" Marlene asked "girls...and Remus, listen. we have school to study. today we only have one class let's have fun!" "well..." i started but was interrupted by a kid with longish greasy hair "hello lily," he said as lily said hi back.

"Who are you?" my brother asked the kid "i-uh, I'm Severus? Severus Snape" "well snape. you better not be talking to our future wifes" Sirius snapped as James came closer walking like what muggles like to call gangsters or ghetto? "i. uh. bye, lily...and the rest?" "I'm Maeve. nice meeting you, and sorry for my brother" i commented as he was leaving "ugh- why? huh. just why?" i asked as James and Sirius gasped "well I'm sorry if it wrong to protect you" "you see the thing is you can't even protect yourself" "Eloise! yes, i can. way better than you" "i don't take care of myself so that proves nothing!" "ok. so James aha we get why...kind of but why you?" Marlene asked Sirius "don't you know? Maeve is my future wife" "umm i dont think so" a girl said as she pushed Sirius and hugged me "and why is that? and who are you?" "name is Raven. and, she happens to be MY future wife" she said as she hugged me back and Sirius looked disgusted and James excited "now. if you'll excuse us we have to go" Alice commented as we all started to leave "where are you guys going?" Peter asked "to organize a wedding. of course" Pandora replied softly as we all laughed and spent the rest of the day hanging out.

- I miss these days...uhm, you kind of get the point of how we all met so, ill just fast forward more

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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