Chapter Sixteen

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I was sitting on the curb in front of the I.M.P. building, waiting for Lucifer. After about an hour of sitting there bored, I opened Creedpad and started reading a book from Red Assassin 30. I finished three chapters before reaching the end. This guy is too lazy, too busy or both.

I stood up and went inside, nearly running into Octavia. "Sorry." She walked past me but I turned back and grabbed her wrist. "Where are you going?" The owl held my gaze. "I need to clear my head." I tilted my head and let go of her. "Is it your parents again?" She giggled and playfully shoved me. "No, it's just this plan of yours. To fight the King of Hell." I took my sword out of it's sheathe and pointed it towards the door.

"GeT OUt HErE, NOW!" I exited the building and saw Lucifer with white wings and blood red horns. His weapon resembled an exterminator spear.

"No more tricks, no more deception

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"No more tricks, no more deception. Just you and me." I walked towards him and clashed weapons with him. "You will die mortal. And then no one will remember you existed." Suddenly, Lucifer's shoulder shot out blood as he fell back. "But I will you sonuvabitch!" I turned back to see Recluse on the roof with his M82 Barrette and his butterfly knife.

While Lucifer was distracted, I used the eagle head shaped hilt to scratch his face. I took a step back and waited for his attack. I countered his jab by pushing his weapon to the side and slicing his chest as I moved towards him. As I turned back to finish the fight, a column of fire surrounded me, slowly closing. "As I said, no one will remember your existence." I was running out of options and remembered the book Cthulhu gave me. I pulled the book out and read one of the pages.

Lucifer began laughing as the column got close to turning me to ash. "I summon you. Arise Cthulhu, and do my bidding." A portal opened in front of me and I stepped through it. Another portal opened and I was back on the street in front of I.M.P. Cthulhu stepped out of his own portal in his true form. Because his soul was bound to mine, looking at him killed no one. "I shall purge this world and kill any who stand in our way." I snapped and spiked chains pinned the King of Hell to the pavement. "You may have given the Templars the advantage of knowing where the Apple and the Staff were, but we Assassin's know that it takes patience and focus to obtain these items."

Lucifer was looking up at me and had a look of fear in his eyes. "I will spare you this time, but next time, mercy's off the table." I snapped and the chains dissipated. I turned around after removing the chains to see Cthulhu smashing buildings and throwing cars. "What did you do?!" I looked back at the book to see that I'd given the Eldridge God a free pass to destruction.

I took off my necklace and looked at it, then looked back at the group of demons. "Via." I tossed the necklace to her. "I'll be back for that. Keep it safe for me." I sheathed my sword and handed it to Recluse. "Take this back to the tomb it belongs in. See ya." I looked back to the chaos and ran towards it. As I got closer, more objects and debris flew at me. I jumped over a car, slid under a thrown building roof, and sidestepped a phone booth.

"You cannot defeat me. I am a God!" "And I'm an Assassin." The god tried to punch me but I jumped back and ran up his arm. I got close to his face and tried to throw a knife into his eyes, but he flicked me with his other hand. I crashed through a building and laid on the floor trying to move, but my body was done. It was over. Then I noticed that Cthulhu was struggling to stay upright. His soul is linked to mine.

I sat up and took my wrist blade off after extending it. I held it in front of my heart and looked over at the Eldridge God. "Survive... This..." I drove the blade into my chest until the blade hit my heart. I coughed up a ton of blood and fell over. I continued to push the blade into my chest and watched Cthulhu fight the whole time. I felt the blade go through my heart and my vision faded while the monster my soul was tied with began to turn to dust.

Octavia POV

Cthulhu had turned to dust and was gone, but Y/n didn't come back. "His soul was connected to Y/n's..." Tears welled up in my eyes when I realized. The one person I cared about was gone. Lord Magne brushed himself off and smiled while he walked away.

"Now to alert the Templars." I was going to go back inside when I saw a figure walking through the dust. "Y/n?" The figure got closer and Recluse stood there with Y/n's body in his arms. I ran towards him and looked at the lifeless body of the man I loved.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't do anything. He was my best friend." Y/n turned to dust in Recluse's arms. I hugged Recluse and cried into his shoulder.

Heeey... So, um, I'm not too proud of this chapter, but don't hate me just yet there's more to come. For now this is Red Assassin 30, out. I guess...

Hell's Assassin (Assassin's Creed x Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel AU)Where stories live. Discover now