Part 1

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Naruto wakes up in a pitch black void, he looks around in shock and confusion until he hears someone speak up behind him.

"hey there king, how ya doing?"

Naruto turns around so fast that he almost gets whiplash, only to see... himself, but he looks off, his hair and skin are bone white, his eyes are red, his lips are black, and the whites of his eyes are the same black color as his lips.


"who the hell are you!?" Naruto yells.

"awww, you don't recognize me king? Even after I helped you save your sensei?" The doppelgänger says with a grin.

"Wait... YAMI!?"

"yep! Give the man a prize, he remembers my name." Yami says with a grin while clapping his hands.

"why do you look so much like me?"

"well for one, I'm part of your soul, and 2, I fused with the part of you that you've been suppressing for too long, your darker half, the one that you used to fight every night in your dreams, the part of you that wants to destroy those that wronged you. But tell me king, what's the difference between a sword and it's wielder? Besides the obvious of them being completely different beings, if they were both part of the same being, and of equal form and power, what decides who is the wielder, and who is the sword?"

Naruto: why does there need to be a difference? Can't both be both?

"you make a good point there, but that's not what I'm getting at, what I'm getting at is that the answer is INSTINCT! The one who has the stronger killing instinct is the wielder, and the weaker one becomes his sword. What I'm saying is that if you keep suppressing your killer instinct, and refusing to hurt people, then I'll be forced to take over your body in order to keep both of us alive."

"ok, but seriously, why can't we both be the wielder and the sword? I mean, we could have an equal partnership, both of us being in control at the same time."

"it doesn't work like that king, I'm your Zanpakuto, we can't just become the same being."

"what's a Zanpakuto?"

"your hokage will explain it to you, now, you're gonna wake up soon. See ya later king."

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