Moscie, Austin and Domi

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Leaves crunched as Moscie walked through the forest, calling out a name in particular.
"Austin- I swear to the Celestials if you don't come out right now.."
Knowing it was of no use, and his friend would most likely never answer to his calls he trudged on. The forest was alive with the trickling streams and rustling of leaves as they blew past  his face, some completely catching on him and blinding him temporarily.
"Fuckin' hell. "

Impatiently he brushed the leaves away, snapping branches as he carelessly walked through. Quieter, though, the forest seemed to grow. The quietness triggered a more sensible approach to his way of travel, which made it so not as much noise was produced from his path.

Shuffling in the trees overhead broke his focus, and his eyes darted up. A more- childish.. Voice appeared overhead, but with no face to accompany it.
"Wahahaha! Looking for this? "
A fox like creature was extended from the leaves, it looked defeated.
"Austin- the hell are you doing with.. Them? Whoever they are. " Austin, said fox, looked up and just shook his head. The ribbons attached to his ears flying around. The detached voice spoke up once more.

"I just may have taken him for a little bit. He's cute okay?"  Austin looked up at his capture, attempting to shake his way from their arms. More shuffling could be heard overhead, and suddenly someone dropped down from the branches, hanging upside down right in front of his face.

"GAH-" Moscie backed away a smidge, enough to be able to see the culprits face clear enough.
"Happy to see you too, geez, " The  person spoke, rolling their eyes. They brought Austin up near their chest, and held him like a stuffed plush. Which, mind you was more than likely uncomfortable since both were now hanging upside down from a tree branch that seemed to creak with every word they spoke.

"Who even are you- and how'd you snatch him. " Moscie asked, inspecting the person's face. Half of it seemed to be scarred and practically burned away. While the other side was crystal clear, along with one brown eye staring right at him. They waved a hand, almost dropping Austin in the process.

"Yeah yeah one question at a time. First off, I'm Domi. Second, you just can't see that well. "
Moscie didn't know what to make of that reply. Domi dropped from the tree, landing on his feet even with the small amount of room they had to flip themselves completely over.
"Alright then- I'm Moscie. And do you mind letting go of him? That's Austin. " He pointed towards the fox in Domi's arms, who had by now given up on his struggle. Domi looked down at Austin and unhanded him. He gratefully jumped out of his arms to Moscie, who held him.

"Is he yours? " Domi inqueried, tilting his head like a curious puppy. Moscie grumbled.
"Somewhat." Domi smiled and nodded.
"This was fun. I'll come back soon, right this same spot! " He ran off, never looking back. As if knowing they would probably accept.

He was right though, so.

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