Red Flags in the Alleyway

69 9 4

To hell with his father!

Sky walked down the dark alleyway, it was way past midnight and the night breeze was cold against his skin. He wrapped his arms around him hoping it would bring warmth and to ease both his anger and anxiety. After his father deceived him by telling him he would be meeting a college professor to build his network and only to be brought to a town ridden with blood suckers.

Sky felt betrayed and stupid.

He should've known better than to trust his fathers words. They haven't been on good terms since his father suggested he worked alongside him.

From what Sky knows his father, a human, does business with a nearby city filled with vampires. The exact same city he, a human, is walking alone in. The city was filled with them but thankfully because of his fathers "activities" he was far away from the busy streets.

Unfortunately for him, that meant he was in a very bad part of town.

He heard footsteps behind him and small chuckles getting closer. Remembering the first rule his father told him, don't look back, keep walking. He quickly sped up his pace wanting to find somewhere safe, regretting his decision of spontaneously jumping out the window of the club bathroom he was brought to.

The voices were getting closer and closer until it completely stopped. Sky felt relieved for a split second until he came to halt.

There in front of him stood two tall muscular men.

"A heart beat?" One of them walked up closer, just a few steps in front of him.

"What's a human doing here?" He asked to get closer and circled him as if he was hunting him. Sky refused to answer. He was stubborn but smart enough to know when he can't win a fight.

In a swift movement, he found the air being knocked out of him as his back hit the wall. He was now trapped in between the man's arm, panting and trying to regain his footing.

Panic arose when the man trapping him grinned and Sky saw the fangs poking out his gums. "What's a human doing around these parts of the city?" He felt the man's hands softly grab his throat.

His eyes were wide open in panic as he quickly tried to find a way to escape. He looked around only to mentally curse at himself.

Another one.

But this one seemed different.

His eyes glowed.

The man trapping him noticed that Sky was looking off somewhere else and turned to see what was distracting him. The mystery man began to walk closer to them.

"Close your eyes." Despite being so far from the three, Sky heard him clearly. His voice was ruff and commanded respect and something in the back of Sky's mind told him this man was here to help him.

And with little hesitation Sky closed his eyes.

What happened next was a puzzle to Sky, he heard noises and grunts coming from his left and his right. He could never pinpoint where either of these three men were. Sky desperately wanted to open his eyes and find out what was going on, but he knew he shouldn't.

Then the noises stopped, there was a thud and that's all he heard.

"You can open your eyes now"

Sky hesitated.

"They're gone now, you'll be fine"

He peeked at the floor to see how far this mysterious vampire was.

The man was a few feet away from where he stood, a safe distance. Sky slowly looked up and opened both his eyes. The alleyway was dimly lit; he couldn't see the man's face but the outline of his body suggested that he was definitely buff and taller.

And his eyes glowed as golden as the sun, Sky couldn't look away, more like he refused to.

The man reached into what Sky assumed was his pocket and pulled out his phone. He tapped away from where he stood making sure to not make any sudden movement to scare away the human a few feet away from him.

"I found him," the vampire in front of him held the phone so the camera pointed towards him.

"Give him the phone" he heard someone speak over the phone.

"I'm walking over to you" he announced.

And surely the man began to slowly walk over to where he stood.

As he got closer Sky to see the man's face clearly with the help of the brightness radiating off of the phone. His eyes were almost intense as if he himself was focused on something.

"Here, your father wants to speak to you" He stood an arms distance away from Sky and slowly held out the phone for him.

Sky held back the cringe he felt when he heard his father call out to him from the phone. He looked down on the phone and up back to the man, as if he was asking for permission. The man slightly nodded his head giving him the permission he seeked.

He reached out and took the phone from the man's hand turning the phone towards him to speak to his father.

"Sky..let's not be stubborn tonight and come back na?"
He knew his father had a point, it was dangerous out here and he couldn't properly protect himself from whatever lurks around every corner of this city.

He sighed and nodded.

"Sun will bring you back, please stay close to him and Sun?" Sky looked at the man who was called.


"Bring him back safe to me please"

"I will" Sky handed the phone to the man named Sun who in turn turned it off.

"Please follow me to the car, it's not far from here"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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