𝘙𝘺𝘢𝘯 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘺

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A/N: Thank you guys for 43 readers, i know that's not a lot but im really exited to write more stories, and please, do give feed back or ideas. THANK YOU<33

"Y/N, don't leave please, why him, why not me. You deserve someone else and that someone else should be me. I can offer you more than he can, please!!" Thats what you were seeing in your dream, Ryan begging you to stay. "Y/N! Y/N!" Y/N! Please Y/N! Y/N!" You wake up and saw  Sebastian shaking you trying to wake you up. "Y/N, get up, it's 12:00 and you're still sleeping" He says "Why'd you wake me upppp" You said pulling your blanket over your head turning over and over again. "Bro just get up and take a shower will you" He says walking out of your room. You pull your blanket back down and got up to take a shower. While showering all you could think about was Ryan. "Why the hell was he in my dream, but to be honest tho he is kinda cute and hot at the same time" You say to yourself blushing. You got out of the shower and picked out a comfy outfit and put your hair up in a bun since you weren't really doing anything today.

 You got out of the shower and picked out a comfy outfit and put your hair up in a bun since you weren't really doing anything today

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You go down stairs and saw that the boys were filming a video. "Passing the camera to the person that changed his whole style for one girl that also rejected him" Oliver passes the camera to Regie and everyone started laughing. They noticed you were there and waved hi to you so you waved back, looking at Ryan while thinking about your dream. You start  cooking yourself food since the others already ate. While cooking, your arm accidentally hit the hot pan "Ow ow ow ow" You alright Oliver asked peeking at you. Everyone then peeks over looking at you."Yeh, i just hit the pan that's all" You say putting cold water on it "Okay" He Oliver says with a worried tone. They get back to filming the video and you start eating as you watched them. The camera gets passed to Justin "Passing the camera to the person that's crushing on someone we all know" Justin passes the camera to Ryan. "Oooo, who is it" Darren says excitedly "Well its someone we all know"Justin says smirking at Ryan. You noticed Ryan blushing and took a picture of him. "Cute" You say looking at the photo, you didn't say cute out loud, but it was loud enough for the others to hear. "Who's cute" Oliver ask's. The others turned their head to you. "Are you dating someone!"Darren yells out. "What? No! No im not" You quickly answer. Ryan lifts his head up and looked at you with no emotions. "Im not dating anyone, im was looking at a picture and i found it cute, that's all" You explained to them. You saw Ryan looking at you. "Does he also think im dating someone" You say in your head.

You finished your food and  wanted to try out basketball since both of your brothers like that sport. You got changed and walked outside to see Justin and Ryan already playing.

You walked up to them and asked if they could help you out so that you can impress your brothers

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You walked up to them and asked if they could help you out so that you can impress your brothers. They both nod their heads and started teaching you the basics. dribbling, shooting, passing, blocking etc. "Guys i gotta go take a piss just keep practicing, ill be right back" Justin says smiling at Ryan. You practice your shooting and ask Ryan for help to how to score a 3. He tells so to stand behind the 3 pointer line and tell you its just the same as shooting close up, except you have to push the ball a little harder. You tried shooting but missed. You asked him for help again, he guides your arm and hands to shoot, he tells you to throw it so you did. The ball went in and you gut really pumped, you turn your head around to face Ryan, but when you were turning around you tripped over because your shoelaces weren't tied. Ryan tried saving you but you both just ended up on the floor. He was not on top of you so you tried getting up. "Guys im bac-" What happened here. Ryan looks up and quickly got up and helped you up on the way. "I was helping her shoot a 3 but she tripped and i also tripped and yeh" Ryan explained "Mhmmmm" Justin hums looking at both of yous. "Okay then, i wont tell don't worry" Justine says with a cheeky smile on his face. After a few more practices, Justin called over the others to the basketball court. "Ok, so we've been teaching Y/N how to play basketball and shes doing great, probably even better than Darren" Everyone starts laughing at Darren telling him how a girl that's just learnt basketball could possibly be better than him. "Ok we'll start of with a 1v1, Y/N versus Darren" The game starts with you having the ball. You dribble your way to the 2 pointer line but missed, Darren catches the ball and dribbles to the 3 pointer line and scored. "SEE. Im not bad bruh" He says in successes "Well Y/N is new to basketball, and she was pretty good" Kane says. "Ok who do you want to verse next Y/N?" Justin asks you "Hmm....Ryan" "RYAN?! Ok then" Justin pushes Ryan in the court. This time Ryan started with the ball. He tries shooting a 3, but misses, the ball bounced of the board and you caught it. You shoot at the 2 pointer and got it in. "OOH. SEBBY, OLI I GOT IT IN DID YOU SEE THAT" You start screaming in happiness. "Bro imagine losing to a girl. HAHAH" Justin, Darren, Kane and Regie start laughing. 

You guys finish of playing a few more games of  basketball and head back inside. "Y/N you were really go-" Regie tried talking to you until Ryan came up to you. "Damn Y/N, i cant believe you won, HAHAHAH" "Whats that suppose to mean HUHHH. Nah just kidding thank you tho. You were really good to, to be honest, i thought you were gonna get that 3" You both start laughing. "Ok then imma eat im kinda hungry" He responds "Yeh me too" You say. You decided to cook the boys some ramen just in case their also hungry. "GUYS COME DOWN Y/N MADE SOME RAMEN" Ryan yells out. The boys slowly started pilling up at the table so you served them some ramen. Once they all had their ramen you then started eating, you guys were just talking about what you guys should do tomorrow since the boys aren't filming anything tomorrow. 

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎

A/N: This is the end of this chapter. Sorry for the cliff hanger. But ill get the next chapter out as soon as i can. Hope you guys have been enjoying reading this. But out of all my readers no one has yet to follow me, umm im yeh im kinda upset about that. But yeh.

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