Part 54

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The huge mould constructed above the burial site of hera and leander was beautiful enough to keep the eyes of the seers hooked and that's what happened with our people. They could not help but stare the beautiful idea put up even more beautifully.

Alya: Guys there is a bridge here in the east and I heard some girls talking, when we look at down the bridge in the water the first reflection we see is of the one we are bound to be with. Lets go there na.

Naira: That's interesting. Kartik lets go na.

Kartik: Arey but what is the need? We already are married and I love you. 

Meanwhile Nandini was also convincing Manik.

She wrapped her hands around his arms and gave him the cutest of her looks.

Nandini: Please Manik?

Mani could not help but agree. 

Abhimanyu: You all go we anyways have no partners, reflection kaise dikhega?

Nandini: Bhai come on na, let's try it out at least?

No one could refuse to Nandini's demands and so all of them went on the bridge , closed there eyes and looked down.

Well ofcourse, our couples had each other's reflections . Navya saw Cabir and Cabir saw Navya which was pompous for them but they couldn't express it ofcourse. Though Manik understood seeing Cabir's expressions. Alya saw Dhruv somehow and same was with Dhruv. They had nothing exceot friendship and so it confused them a bit. What was the most surprising was that Mukti somehow saw Abhimanyu which confused her to no extent.Though,she did not tell this to anybody and Abhimanyu when asked said he saw no one but blank water which was confusing again.

They left off these thoughts and turned to go to home before its dark and because it was cold already, walking at night would be a bad idea.

They returned home,had dinner and all of them went off to sleep.

                                                                           Day 3-HALDI

All the guests, people were adorned in yellow.  The family was in orange adding up to the beautiful decorations .

The girls were helping Nandini get ready. Though, it was initially decided that the bride and groom would not be together in Haldi by some people but because both Murthys and Malhotras did not believe in blank rituals, this was taken off. There was absolutely no sense in the bride and groom not meeting and even if it is meaningful, the supreme is god and he would never let anything ad happen to the people who do good. This is what should be believed upon.

Nandini was almost ready. She asked the girls to go and get themselves ready as it was just jewellery left in her look.

She was about to adorn herself from the simple yet beautiful jewelleries when someone knocked at her door.

Nyonika: May I come in? She asked with a smile.

Nandini: Arey ofcourse Mamma, you never have to ask. She got up and hugged Nyonika.

"You look beautiful Mamma."

"Really? Maybe yes but nazre to tujhse nahi hategi kitni pyaari lag rahi hai Nandini."

Nyonika took out a bunch of black threads from her purse and made Nandini sit down beside her.

Nyonika: Give me your hand.

Nandini,confused did as she was told to. Nyonika tied one of them on her wrist and kissed her forehead.

Nyonika: Evil eyes ward off u baby. May urs and Manik's life be full of much more happiness than this. We are so lucky to have you in our family Nandini. 

Nandini had tears in her eyes. Listening to al sorts off stories in the present time, the daily soaps, all had formed an image of a mother-in-law as someone domination in Nandini's mind but having Nyonika as her mother, she felt blesses cause she knew there were not many as kind as her.

Nandini hugged her making Nyonika hug her too.

Nandini: I love you Mamma.

Nyonika smiled wiping her tears and replied: I love you more, I love you 100 crores.

Nandini chuckled: Then I love you 200 Crores.

They would have continued with this surely if they would not have been interrupted.

Manik: And I love you both 10000 Crores.

Both the ladies smiled looking at him and Nyonika opened her arms form him. He sat between the two most precious ladies in his life and hugged both of them. He had been hearing them since Nyonika had come cause he was following her for some work. Looking at the bond the two shared, he knew this is what he wanted and this is what he had to cherish and preserve ALWAYS!

Manik: Accha Mom, that black thread is for your daughter only ha? What about me? Mujhe bhi lag sakti hai nazar na? You have forgotten me already?

Nyonika twisted his ears.

Nyonika: Stop with your drama. I have it for you too.  Haath de.

She tied one to Manik as well and wished for their togetherness, FOREVER AND ALWAYS!

Nyonika left the room as she had to check on Cabir too.

Manik looked at Nandini's eyes which were full of tears . He stood up and pulled Nandini to his chest holding her wrist.

Nandini sighed and wrapped her arms around him .

Manik: I know you are happy. Tears are not required to express it.

Nandini: Hmm . Thank you Manik. Its all because of you that I have such a wonderful family. Thankyou.

She looked at him muttering a thankyou again while Manik smiled at her and pecked her lips. He cupped her cheeks and said

Manik: Thankyou to you too. You have given me so much to cherish for. 

Nandini: I love you

While as usual, Manik did not feel like saying "I love you too" cause he knew, she knew he did. HE just kissed her forehead and left the room smiling at her.

Haldi began and Dadi started with applying the haldi to Nandini and Manik followed by Nyonika,Raj,Raman and Ishita. Naira and Kartik followed by everyone else. Raman Ishita and Abhimanyu were emotional definitely but they were happily emotional. They knew Nandi would be around not even far and she would be happy. She would get all that she deserves to. She would.

The Haldi ended on a happy note and everyone was happy for the two.


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