I went inside and fell asleep. I was woken up by Emma pulling my zipper down and shaking me. The first thought that came into my head was 'how did she get into my house bro????' But that didn't matter cause it was seggsy time. She lifted up a heavy bag and inside was smirnofff, watermelon malibu and red bull. my favourite drinks ever. I snatched a malibu out of the bag and necked that shit STRAIGHT. When she grabbed the bottle off me it was half empty. she drank the rest of the bottle as we did each others hair. she sat on my lap to finish my plaits and I started to get a lil bit horny. I pushed her off my lap and got on top of her. I spat the smirnoff in my mouth in hers and then licked her lips. 'MMMMMMM FINGER LICKIN GOOD' . I started to eat her ass like a cheesecake but then I tasted sum NASTY. when I looked at my tongue it was brown. I SCREAMED. 'EMMA WTF???'
Relax she said, it's only chocolate. That's when I swallowed it and realised it was Nutella. 'oops mb' .We scissored again and then we got tired so we watched spongebob and hit our vapes. then sia got sick and she had to vomit all the alcohol.
Then she vomited all over me. So we showered together and then I fell in the shower and then I began to pass out and my head hit the wall. Everything went black like my skin. She took me to hospital .
Part 3 out ina bit I'm tired asf 😪🤞🏾