Crush? T x w story - idea requested🧀

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Heloooo 🐧 jelly back with more 🗡😟. IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭
This idea was requested by skyrosie123 🐺 thx for the idea!
So ya - different story 😀 well that's all - hope you enjoy reading this!
Enjoy 🧀

Crush? —- T x w story 🐧 Enjoy! 😃

Willow: well uhm thx for taking me out I guess..
Tigry: *laughs* yeah no problem
Tigry: well I'll go my house now
Willow: we live in the same building ..-
Tigry: RIGHT I knew that 😃
Next day *

Willow: *sigh happily* this flower is pretty - wonder where we got it. ( talking about Tigry)
I liked him - though I didn't know how to tell him — what if he didn't like me ..
i didn't want to think about that —so i cleared it off my mind *

Willow: or maybe it's time willow- maybe you should tell him — who cares if he doesn't like you back - at least you tried..
Well I'm going to find him!


Tigry pov : I was completing my work that I was assigned until I saw willow running up to me
Tigry: willow what do you need?
Willow: oh hey- uhm can i talk to you?
Tigry: yeah sure what's up?
Willow: well I wanted to tell you that-

Just then Tigry phone's ring     ( just pretend they had 😶)
Tigry : oh sorry i gotta pick this up
Willow: oh it's alright!
*after the call*

Tigry: well sorry about that — what was that?
Willow: well I wanted to tell you that-
Tigry: HE WHAT!?
Felix: DID NOT -  IT JUST CRACK  *breaks*
Oh - 💀

Willow: ... *sad* well he abandoned me
Well I just tell him later when he is off 😄
Some time later -🐺

Willow: hey Tigry! Can I ta-
Tigry: oh sorry i gtg - I'm meeting Philip at the park
Willow: oh ok..
Tigry: Philip let's go! Omg stop hitting Baren with you bat *voice fades away*

——-*willow kept getting ignored *

Tigry POV: Philip kept eating all my food I brought 💀 omg he always does. That — how am supposed to fix my daggers..
Just then I saw figure not far away - I slowly moved to it and realize it was willow-

She looked like she was crying - well wanted too. I mean I kind of ignored her all day — didn't think she would take it that bad
Maybe I should go talk to her -

Tigry: hey willow..
Willow: *surprised* AH- oh it's you-
Tigry: *laughs* oh sorry
Willow: it's alright -
Tigry; are you ok?
Willow: .. yeah
Tigry: im sorry i ignored you - i didnt meant to
Willow: it's ok- it was nothing important anyway- *sad*
Tigry: .. i could tell it was-
Tigry; just tell me - I'll listen- I promise-
Willow: ...
Tigry: look im sorry i ju-
Tigry: ... *blush* y-you..
Willow: will that make you shut up?
Tigry: i-I you love me-
Willow: yeah and?
Tigry; well I -  I l-love you too...
Willow: h-huh? Y-you do?
Tigry: yeah- i do - *smiles*
Willow: I- I that great I guess..
God this is awkward — what do I do - oh I know—
Tigry: well you know I'll talk la-

*willow leans in for a kiss * 😗🐯
Tigry: Mm- mm..
Willow POV : I could tell he wanted a kiss - he immediately kiss me back -
It felt like a long kiss -

After that I think I made it worse - he couldn't stop blushing and it was awkward silence - but soon we left
Tigry; well I-I gtg — the guys are waiting for me - *smiles *
Willow: alright I guess *quick kiss on the cheek*
Tigry: ... I-I .
Willow: bye~
Baren: GOOD NOW LETS GO BEFORE THE-    *gunshot*

The end 😗🧀-

Well uh I hope you like it skyrosie123
I honestly don't like it 💀 —- feels like the. Other ones 😭
But somehow you'll like it 😭—. This was rushed but ya
Now onto writing the next requested idea 🐧🗡
Cya—- AND WERE CLOSE TO 3k Whatt 😟

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