Chapter Nine

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Ariel POV
I don't know how long I've been off but I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings then struggled to sit upright, my back and butt numb from staying in the same position.
"Please ma'am don't move too much, the doctor instructs you take it easy with your ribs they are still in the process of healing."
   I heard a female voice say beside me as I just noticed the white cloth wrapped around my ribs and right fist. I touched my fist as I remembered that I haven't seen the doctor ever since I slammed it against the wall.
"Here are vitamins and supplements the doctor said you needed to heal, ma'am."
Finally turning to the voice, it was a young lady probably in her early twenties dressed in a work outfit. I smiled politely at her and nodded while she served the food and left.
I was done eating, I stood up with all the strength I could muster and walked to the bathroom to take a piss. My body still felt heavy and weak, and my eyes weighed a lot to keep open. I came back to sit on the bed when the door opened and a man with glasses and white lab coat came in.
"Oh she's awake," he said and walked in, closing the door behind him. "Hello I'm Doctor Phillip, you can call me,Phil."
"Hello..." I said in a croaky voice. Then winced when I tried to lean on my side.
"It's still healing so you have to be mindful of your movements."
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"Three days." he replied in a matter of fact way.
     Wait...what? Robert would be looking for her and who knows how close he might be."Where am I?" I asked.
"In Mr Luther house,you..."
"No I meant location...area."
"Suburb of Chicago, Winnetka" he said simply.
I sighed in half relief, I'm still in Chicago that's a problem and I need to get out of here asap.
"I need to see Mr Luther immediately," I said turning deaf ears to the doctor plea as he tried to convince me to rest for now.
I plodded my way outside of the door as my eyes raked round the huge hallway in confusion, where do I even look for him?
  "I'll take you to his study,he's there," the doctor said and led the way to his study.

Jason POV
I raked my fingers for the millionth times through my hair as my mind seemed to have a mind of its own. I couldn't even concentrate on the files before me, I slumped back in my seat in defeat as I let my mind take me to the green eyed woman on the first floor.
She had been in the same state for the last three days. Been trying to bury myself in work but I couldn't even do anything. The doctor had told me she would be fine yet my mind couldn't find peace as I remembered the doctor's analysis of her state.
     Broken ribs,broken finger bones and purple bruises here and there and she suffered malnutrition too. I mean who would have thought a whole Robert fiancée would go through that.
    What had happened to her? Why does her fiancée not know about this? Where was he or was he the one doing this to her? I thought he loved her. My conscience gnawed at me for calling her a gold digger. Just as I raked my hands through my hair again, the door bust open and there stood the woman who has been my worry for three days now.
"I need to speak with you, Mr Luther" She said breathlessly.
The doctor followed behind her, "I've never seen any patient as stubborn as this," he said in a half-hearted joke.
She glared at him then turned back to me, her green eyes stared sharply at me, defiant and blazed. She has made her decision, no turning back. I smirked.
"It's really important, Mr Luther."
"Jason, please call me Jason. And please come sit down. Thank you, Phil." I said dismissing him.
I watched her struggle to come sit down, I took a step toward her to help when she stopped me with her raised hand.
"I'm fine." She said and sat down across me. I sat down too and leaned forward in a formal way and was about to speak when she beat me to it.
  "I need to leave, Jason. Almost immediately if possible."
I loved the sound of my name from her mouth. Wait...what? I scrunched my face in confusion as I digested her words. I wasn't prepared for the next words she spilled.
"I'm grateful to you for helping me and all but I still need to leave immediately, he could be searching for me right now and I..."
"Hold up, hold up." I cut in as my mind tried to process what was going on here. "You want to leave now? And who is searching for you?" I asked as I watched her eyes lower to the table while she fiddled with her bandaged hand.
"Because you're not completely healed and I'm not saying this because of what the doctor said. I'm saying this because I was the one who saw the state you were in Miss..." I paused and just realized I didn't even know her name yet.
  "I'm fine, Jason and when I tell you I'm fine, I'm really fine."
"Can you take two steps without wincing in pain?" I asked in a matter of fact way, " And who's the 'he' after you? Your fiancée?"
Her breath hitched as her eyes snapped back to mine, she opened her mouth then shut it then opened it again and said, " What? No! How would you think of that in the first place? He's just an obsessive ex that's all." She said and leaned awkwardly on the seat, while her face remained emotionless. Damn! she's good but she can't fool me.
"Then why can't you tell your fiancé? I mean he should know right?"
She scoffed and wet her lips with her tongue, drawing my attention to her lips.
"I don't want to trouble him, Jason. It's sounds absurd but you can't understand what I mean. He has the election ahead of him and it's just too much to burden him with this trivial matter."
I scoff even when I didn't mean to, she must be joking right?
"Please I'll appreciate it if you respect my decisions. And please I'm leaving immediately." With that being said she stood up, more like wobbled up and turned to leave.
"He can't find you here. This place is not only secluded but it's too guarded to even allow rats to scurry in here." I said then crossed my arms, bulging my muscles in the process trying to look intimidating.
She faced me then rolled her eyes, she looked damn cute doing that.
    "You don't know what he's capable of doing," she said as a shiver went through her body, I saw the fear in her eyes as she said the next words.
   "The devil would have been better to have as a foe than him." Her lips quivered as she had this far way look, "Why? Because he has no reasons to inflict pain, at least the devil does have a reason."
My heart lurched against its rib cage not in pain. Who is this person that made this woman this...scared?

Watch the Journey of these two and get excited guyssss, because the drama ahead is not only jaw dropping, it's suspense filled too 🤓

Enjoy your reading and stay tuned ✌️

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