The Couch

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It all began in a small town in South Carolina; two young boys named John and Benny became acquainted through a mutual friend, Steve. They grew up side by side bullying children and eating Twinkies. Middle school, high school, and college passed, and throughout the years they kept less and less in touch. 

They both graduated college, Benny for law, John for computer science. During college, they both began serious straight relationships with cis women. One day, John received a call from Benny, he wanted to catch up. He mentioned his father had kicked him out of the house, and he was looking for a place to stay near Washington DC. Coincidentally, John lived just an hour away. "You can come and stay with Nichole and me until you can get on your feet," John said. Benny happily obliged. 

Between Benny and John's phone call and Benny's move-in date, John and Nichole separated. It was mutual, but John was shattered and vulnerable. The day Benny arrived, he informed John that he too had broken up with his long-term girlfriend. A week after Benny's arrival, Nichole booked it... ran for the fucking hills... left. All that John was left with was his and Nichole's dog, a big house, and Benny. 

John and Benny became close like they were in the good ol' days. They bought motorcycles, they went dancing, and they really got to know each other on a deeper level. The more time they spent with each other, the deeper their connection, and it all came to a head on one night. 

It was after a night of cooking pasta and drinking red Barefoot wine; not wanting their perfect night to end, John suggested a movie. "Twilight?" asked John. "Absofuckinglutely," Benny said with hunger behind his eyes. John giggled and pulled up the 2009 romance. "This is my favorite movie; Nichole never wanted to watch it with me," John said. "Nichole is a bitch, and you deserve better," said Benny. 

John smiled and pressed play. As the movie progressed, the two moved closer together. Close enough to feel each other's warmth, but not so close to touch. Benny could feel John's eyes on him, but John could feel Benny's eyes as well. As they scoot closer, Bella and Edward lean in for a kiss on the screen. Benny's hand gently brushes John's. They finally catch each other's eyes. 

They stare deeply into each other's eyes, trying to figure out if they are both thinking the same thing. Benny smirks and John tucks his hair behind his ear. John takes this as a green light and leans in close hoping Benny would meet him halfway. Their lips crash together taking both of their breath away. This is the moment they have both been waiting for. 

John's eager lips overwhelm Benny. Benny pulls back softly and whispers to John as he tucks his hair behind his ear, "Calm down, I'm not going anywhere." John blushes out of embarrassment and giggles, "I guess I got ahead of myself," he says climbing into Benny's lap. They lean in again and sync their movement. The sound of their passion echos through the room. 

Realizing their actions, John pulls away panting from his frisson. His forehead against Benny's, lips hardly caressing, "What are we doing?" he says heavily under his breath. Pulling John closer by his hips so their chests are pressed firmly against each other, "What we've needed to do for a long time," Benny says as he plants his full lips on John's neck. John moans. Benny's glasses fog. 

An hour of exploration passes; the two have made their way to the basement where no one can hear their panting. "Should we take this to the bedroom?" asks Benny eagerly. "I don't know... this is so new to me; I've never done this with a barrel-chested freedom fighter man like you," John says hesitantly. Benny holds John's face, looking him in his eyes, "You can trust me; I'm one of your best friends," he says. "Do you kiss all of your friends like this?" John asks sarcastically. "Only you," Benny replies. 

Benny carries John bridal style up two flights of stairs and gently lays him on the bed. They finish out what God intended. 

The End.

Shrek is love <3

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