The Bed

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Weeks pass and John and Benny continue to make love physically and mentally. Their nights have been sleepless due to the constant boning, moaning, groaning, but also fantasizing about what their futures hold with one another. 

John begins to feel the passion is one-sided as Benny begins acting distant. One early morning after no sleep, Benny greets John in his office. "Mornin' John, did you put a pot of coffee on?" he asks. "Yeah," John replies, "It should be done in a few minutes." 

"Okay," Benny replies, "I thought I should let you know, I'm going to have to work late again tonight, so don't wait up for me at dinner." 

"Again?" John answers, "This is like the fourth time in the past two weeks. I've been missing you and your cold, clammy, vibrating, slimy, godlike, beefy, furry body."

Visibly uncomfortable, Benny says, "Yeah, about that... I think we should talk before I leave for work today."

John worriedly replies, "Oh... okay. Is everything alright, loml?"

Benny hesitantly answers, "Yeah... I've had a great time exploring you and the magic we can create, and clearly I have enjoyed parts of it, but I've been thinking about it really heavily lately, and I think I'm actually straight as fuck. Like as fuckkkkkkk... so."

John choking back tears replies, "That's fine, it's not a big deal. I can get over it. It was just something fun to do for the time being. No biggie."

Shifting his weight, Benny replies, "Gee man, thanks for being so understanding about it. Not to pour salt in the wound, but now that we're being open about things, I've kinda been seeing this super bad big-boned dime side piece for a little bit now. That's actually why I've been working late, I met her at the office." 

A piece of John's cancer venus heart chips and dies as he cooly replies, "That's sick man, what's her name? I want to meet her."

"Her name is Katherine," Benny answers, "She's 31 and obese, and that includes her vag, puss, beaver, vajayjay, box, kitty, flower, sex garage, baby canon, penis blanket, big mac, swamp."

John replies, "Damn man, she sounds like a real woman."

Benny winks and replies, "You have nooooo idea, bro. Do you mind if I bring her over tomorrow?" Against his better judgment, John tells Benny he thinks that is a great idea and he cannot wait to meet her.

Benny heads off to work, and John struggles to focus the remainder of the day thinking about how passionate Benny is about Katherine. 


Dinner the following day:

"... and then he smoked a bowl out of my ass. Keep in mind it was loose because I had just been fucked with a baseball bat... hand end," John laughed, "Needless to say, there was a lot of smoke."

Katherine and Benny giggle and Katherine nudges Benny, signaling for him to speak. 

"Ahem," Benny clears his throat, "So John, I actually had a favor to ask you about tonight." 

"What's up?" John replies while knocking back another cold one. 

"It's a pretty long drive for Katherine to make home tonight, so I invited her to stay the night, but my bed is only a twin. We were wondering if you would mind if we stayed in your bed tonight?" Benny asks. 

John drunkenly answers, "Of course man, I wouldn't want to block you from your swampy big mac."

Benny replies, "Thanks man, you're the best," as he and Katherine begin cleaning off their plates and head upstairs. 

Things are quiet for a bit, and John begins making himself comfortable on the couch. While playing Super Smash Bros, he begins to hear an all too familiar sound. Benny's animal-like, girthy, sensual moans and a squeaking bed. He turns the TV up and tries to drown out the noise. 

30 seconds later, Benny enters the kitchen for a glass of water. 

"Hey Benny, I needed to grab some pajamas from my room, am I good to go up there?" John asks. 

"Yeah man," Benny replies, "You're all good."

John makes his way up the stairs and turns into his bedroom where he finds his pajamas, an unmade bed, and an erotic odor. The smell reminds him of Benny going hard in the paint, so he rushes to gather his things. As he's walking out the door, he remembers he needs to grab his charger, so he walks to his nightstand and unplugs his charger when he also finds Benny's glasses... fogged. 

John's cancer venus heart shatters into a million irreparable pieces at the sight of this. It was as if someone had taken a knife and struck him in the balls. The type of pain that only unrequited love brings. A single tear falls down his cheek as he turns to leave when he locks eyes with Benny in the door frame. 

"I hope her pussy was better than my bussy," John bitterly says as he walks out of the room. 

Filled with rage and pain, one person comes to John's mind. Nichole. 

Not being able to be alone for the life of him, John decides that he enjoys the pain he is feeling and wants to feel more, so he begins to hand-write Nichole a five-page mediocre, surface-level, pick me energy letter with absolutely zero intentions behind it. Without proofreading, he mails it off and awaits her reply. 

Meanwhile, in South Carolina, Nichole has her hand wrist deep in the one she told John, "No, we're just like really good friends," so when she receives the letter she is shocked to find that John too is now gay. 

She does not respond and continues the lord's work.

John mourns the loss of both relationships but finds comfort in posting cringy videos on his Snapchat story. Benny and Katherine continue to use John's bed for their bland, cis-het, two-minute, loveless sex escapades. 

John and Benny were never the same after that, and probably for the better because Benny helped John solve his internalized homophobia. Benny eventually moved out of the house and in with Katherine. 

Legend goes, John still lives at 1315 Huntley Circle, but alone and in a glass closet. 

The end. 

Shrek forever <3

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