Gone - part 1 - Krill

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He stood near the boats, rocking softly in the waves. It was foggy today, not unusual.


Walking over and kneeling next to them, he untied them from the port as his father got in, his weight making the boat sway.

He jumped in, too, grabbing an oar and fishing pole.

"Chilly today." He said

"Yep, shoulda brought a jacket!" His father replied, chuckling

"Mom threw mine out." he stated, with a hint of sadness in his voice, but remained stoic

"..Here kid, have mine," he replied, trying to keep a happy tone, taking off his jacket and placing it on his lap.

"Thank you, are you not going to be cold, though?"

"Ah, thick skin, don't get cold easily!" He stated proudly. "Now put it on, wouldn't want you getting sick."

"Yeah, who'd help you then?" He joked, slipping on the too-big jacket.

They started rowing out a few miles. It was a calm and quiet morning, like usual, with only the sounds of the water and birds present.

"This should be a good spot."

They both took out their fishing rods and threw their hooks into the water.

An hour or two later, they had caught a good amount of fish, so they start heading back to shore

Or at least..they try.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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