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   Strutting into the coffee shop located a few blocks away from my apartment I smile at the scent of ground coffee beans and vanilla. A familiar face bounces over from behind the front counter, her brown apron nearly falling off since it hadn't been tied properly beforehand.

"y/n! You're late today," My longtime friend Lea acknowledges my presence, looking from the clock on the wall over to me with a curious brow. "Something come up?"

I shake my head, taking my place at the table I sat behind almost every day, pulling out my phone and a pair of knotted-up earbuds.

"Nah, I just slept in. Especially since there isn't any work for me to do at the office this week."

Lea follows behind, sitting across from me at the table so she can lean in, making me raise a brow. "Well, haven't you heard the rumors?"

I shake my head and copy the secretive actions, leaning in next to her. "What's up?"

"I guess someone from nearby found their soulmate; then later that night they took a knife and ripped their marking off before calling an abulance."

I lean back to rest against the padded chair, my eyes widen, temporarily forgetting about my phone and earbuds. "Really? That's the third time it's happened this month, isn't it?"

Lea nods, looking around as if what she's saying is some super important and dangerous information. "And it's gonna happen even more, scientists say. You know, with all the soulmate-finder apps people are developing these days, not to mention the incline of murderers and deviants."

I nod, letting out a small sigh at how scary people could be sometimes. Especially with something as special as a marking.

"I get that not everyone likes how their soulmates first words get engraved into the skin, but to rip or cut it out is just... terrifying."

My friend nods, watching as another customer walks into the store, signified by the small golden bell above the door ringing out.

"Oh, I'll be right with you!" Lea turns back toward me for a second to offer an apologetic smile. "I'll talk more with you later, 'kay? I've gotta work before the Boss comes out and fires me... again."

I laugh a bit and nod, watching as the woman runs off to help an impatient customer as I focus on untangling my earbuds, plugging them into my phones jack.

But before I can put the plastic in my ears, I look down at my arm, the blank skin staring back at me.

There were no words to signify I'd found a soulmate; that one special person you're supposed to feel such a strong pull toward that some people marry their own within a week of finding them.

Others, well... try to get rid of any evidence their soulmate is even existent. Like those currently gouging out their markings.

A marking refers to the statement permanently etched into your skin once you meet your soulmate; it's the first words they say to you.

Most are boring, like hello, what can I get for you, welcome— normal statements strangers make with each other almost all the time.

But even so, people cherish those words.

And they come in a variety of looks too, most taking on the handwriting of their soulmate, along with the soulmates favorite color. A rare few even get tattoos put around them.

In this sense, no one marking is the exact same.

But not me, I've never even dated someone, let alone found my soulmate. Believe me, I check regularly. Back, arms, legs, stomach— everywhere; but there's never any marks from the days events.

I finally stuff the earbuds in to escape my thoughts, pulling up a live that Wilbur was shooting; it's a lore stream.

I'm not really aware of everything in the DSMP, but I do watch the rare stream from Wilbur and Techno, sometimes even Quackity.

It's always fun to see them act out the scenes and develop a plot they themselves had created.

With a form of audio flowing through my ears to entertain me, I dig into my bag, pulling out a notebook.

My finger flips open the unlined pages to a blank sheet, Wills familiar heavily-accented voice booming as I start sketching out random images that come to mind.

It was always a fun waste of time while waiting for Lea, especially if I can accurately draw one of the fellow customers faces instead of making them look like a block.

Speaking of Lea, I'm waiting for her because she always gets me a drink and some form of breakfast treat made by the shop, but only after serving her morning rush, which arrived a few minutes ago with that first bell.

The crowd had only grown since then, leaving the small coffee shop packed.

Changing focus, I watch Will a little closer, getting more interested in the stream as they got further into the plot.

His words repeat while crouched beside Philza, another one of the other DSMP members that regularly attended the livestreams.

"Do it. Do it."



Okay, here we go, soulmate AU.


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