Round 1

7 1 0


4 People 1 bot

Somelice: Bah

BOT Robot: Somelice earned a point for being the first one to text!

Mloc: I just drank bleach. (I drink everything and I don't die)

BOT Robot: Mloc earned 3 points for saying something very weird!


Somelice: Mloc, how do you eat a chair

Mloc: Don't even bother asking me



Mloc: i just ate 1 of my closet doors. 

BOT Robot: oops, OOFY earned 2 points for writing his word like that!

Mloc earned 1 point for saying something weird

OOFY: bah, staples kill paper and paper don't shoot blood what is wrong with paper?

Somelice: dat waz crazE

BOT Robot: Somelice earned 1 point for spelling wrong!

OOFY earned 2 points for saying something crazy!

Mloc: How to earn 10 points: I bleached my bathroom and now it's clean, I roasted sis in the fireplace and I put the other sis in the trash and they both r dead and now I also ate 300 worms, look at this worm farm! I ate the soil too.

Reactions: 😆2

OOFY: bAh?????????? dat iz da most craziest thing i've ever heard in mi life

I ripped up your comix and I soaked them in da toilet, i wore a toilet plunger to the shop and pooped on the ground, I also peed to.


Somelice: y u guyz fighting? 

OOFY: y r u not even saying anything weird

Somelice: Click on this ( Not you guys reading the book)

it really long


Reactions: 😑1👎2


BOT Robot: You guys all earned 10 points!

How many points you guys have now

Mloc: 14

OOFY: 14

Somelice: 12

Mloc: dude Somelice you so bad that you might get disqualified

Somelice: I thought I'm supposed to get 20 points! Not 10 points!

OOFY: When people hunt for animals why don't they go like this

why don't they just explode in pieces



Judge: Ok Somelice is Disqualified

And you can only earn 10 points at a time, that's the limit

OOFY: He just got roasted


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