Chapter 2 ||Best Friends||

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•Gemini's POV•

"Why would she assume I'm that kind of person?!" I thought tears running down my face,I wipe my tears away but they continue to come back. "I didn't mean to run off like that or make That girl feel bad.. but it really hurt.." I mumble to myself.

"All Zodiacs Report to the Gymnasium please." I hear over the intercom.

"Well I better go I guess." I mumble.

I turn around realizing that there was only 3 minutes left before first period. I hoped this was very quick. I rush over to the gym and realize that I was the first one there, besides the principal.

"Oh hello!" He says smiling

"Hi.." I say quietly

"Your an air sign correct?" He asked

"Yes I am, to be exact I'm Gemini" I said going from an almost whisper to my regular loud voice

"You have quite the volume.." he says stepping back

"So where is everyone?" I ask

"They haven't arrived yet and don't worry about being late I'll take care of it"

"Oh ok" I respond.

"So Gemini as you know you are here to take your older brothers place, and You seem to already know your element.. so there's no point in telling you that. Do you know what Element you are most compatible with?"

"Oh, no I don't."

"You are Mainly compatible with Fire signs all Air signs are." He says looking behind me to see if anyone else entered and Leo entered!

"Oh hello Leo!" He says with a smile.

"Uh Hey.." he says wanting to get this over with.

"So you know your Element is fire correct?"

"Yea." Leo says annoyed and wanting to get to class.

"Well you are most compatible with The Air Element and the Sign that your most compatible with is Gemini." Mr.U The principal says.

Leo blushed a bit, I mean we are right next to each other.. but that made me wonder if he Actually liked me..

"I see you've taken the hint.." I say teasing

Leo lightly shoved me.

•Leo's POV•

"I can't believe I'm Compatible with my Best friend!" I thought. I mean we do know each other well but.. this just surprised me.!

"You two may go class starts in One minute hurry!" Mr.U says

I run to my locker and grab my math books Gemini followed she already had all her things.

We both sit down to make it just on time too!

Gemini sat right next to me. I know she can be Clingy but she never sat right next to me she always sits In front or behind me.

This was going to be a long class.

•Time skip•

•Sagittarius' POV•

School had ended and it was horrible. It was a one of a kind first day.

"Sagittarius!" I hear form behind

I turn around to see Gemini running towards me. I wondered if she forgave me for hurting her feelings.

"Hey, wanna go to the movies with me?" She says Smiling.

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